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More about Bobcats


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Every now and then we have a discussion about bobcats and thier effects on other wildlife, especially turkeys.

Recently I had a chance to spend some time visiting with one of the researchers that has the very enviable task of tracking bobcats in southern Iowa.

He shared the following information with me:

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">We examined the stomach contents of 100 bobcat carcasses that were collected primarily during the fall and winter.

We found remains of cottontail rabbits in 60% of the stomachs, mice and voles in about 20%, and fox squirrels in about 15% of stomachs.

Juvenile bobcats ate proportionally more mice and voles than adults. Male and female bobcats generally ate the same prey.

We found remains of deer in 12 stomachs of bobcats, primarily adult male bobcats, although the small volume of deer remains <span style="color: #CC0000">suggests that much of it was consumed as carrion</span>.

About <span style='font-family: Century Gothic'>2% of the stomachs contained birds </span>(one stomach with turkey, one with pheasant, and one with hawk feathers). We also found a few stomachs with remains of muskrat, beaver, and shrew.

Bobcats like most predators are "oppurtunistic" and will take advantage of anything they can catch but it appears that they likely have a very minimal affect on our turkey or pheasant populations.

Because our rabbit populations are high and they are a bobcats favorite prey, it stands to reason that in the spring when turkey poults might be vulnerable, young rabbits are plentiful and without the watchful eye of a hen turkey. (have you ever been "flogged" by an angry turkey?? /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif )

My son is anxiously awaiting the opening day of trapping season and has only one question when I check my trail cam pics..."any bobcats" /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

This is my first pic of a female and her kitten...


Perhaps I'll see more of these furry critters while hunting. We share something in common as hunters in that our prey will nourish and sustain us just as God intended.

Here are a few interesting links to more info on Iowa's growing bobcat population along with answers to questions you might have.

Bobcat Landscape Ecology

Bobcats Make a Comeback

Frequently Asked Questions about Iowa's Bobcats

Bobcats in Iowa

Bobcat Report 2007

2008 Bobcat tQuota
Got a letter from the DNR last week about trapping bobcats. If I catch a bobcat in Linn County in a foothold there is a number I can call and they will come and collar it and let it loose and pay me a cool hundy to boot. At least I think its a hundy, can't remeber for sure. If the bobcat is dead no reward but they want to know about it anyway so they can study it. Too bad I only use body grippers.

The 'Bonker
Bonker, I am pretty sure they do not know about your track record on cats if they are offering you an "alive" reward! They should just skip straight to the "dead" reward for you! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Fishbonker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Got a letter from the DNR last week about trapping bobcats. If I catch a bobcat in Linn County in a foothold there is a number I can call and they will come and collar it and let it loose and pay me a cool hundy to boot. At least I think its a hundy, can't remeber for sure. If the bobcat is dead no reward but they want to know about it anyway so they can study it. Too bad I only use body grippers.

The 'Bonker </div></div>

The researcher I visited with said at first they tried to trap their own cats and got no where fast. Eventually they decided to reach out to local trappers who were enthusiastic about helping.

From there they quickly got enough live bobcats that they could collar and track.

They tried some $2000 GPS collars that were supposed to record the cats travels for a period of time and then "blast off" the cats neck where upon the researchers could retrieve the collar along with very valuable information.

Unfortunatly the "blast off" part didn't work very well and there are a number of cats running around southern Iowa with a very pricey "necklace" now... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

They have found what works best are $130 tracking collars that just require someone to "follow" them just as houndsmen follow thier dogs.

He noted that mostly the cats are a "lazy" lot, often laying around a draw for hours before traveling again.

Gee...what a job! Sitting in a truck down a back road for hours to see if a "lazy cat" decides to saunter about... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

He also told me that the biggest cause of death is getting hit by a car. He played a recording of a "cat cry/scream/call"...pretty errie, sounding like a woman being attacked in the woods.

He handed out post cards to send in if one sees a bobcat so they are certainly trying to be certain of populations to better manage trapping/hunting quotas.

I suspect if you catch one in that 220 Bonker, that they'll still want to examine stomach contents... (the cats... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif )
Thanks for the good info Paul. I have not seen one in person yet, but got a trailcam pic of a mom and two kits last weekend, so I know they are there and close. Take care-
I had a strange sighting from my stand last night. I had what appeared to be a standard house cat walk under my stand. But, as it sat there, I was able to see it had a short docked tail like a bob cat and the tuffs on the tips of his ears. I know it wasn't a pure bob cat, but is it possible that it was some kind of cross breed?
Saw my first bobcat from the stand this season the other night. Just put that camera way because it was starting to rain pretty good but it was a chunky looking cat!

He/it wasted no time zipping along the field edge into the next chunk of cover.

I did "catch" a couple more on cam...almost didn't see the second one laying down...


At least my bowhunter survey has something besides deer and turkeys on it this year! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
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