Re: More Nebraska Fun UPDATED!!!
Day 2: Possumed, no luck!
Andy and Tony were into the birds but no shots fired. All of Thomas’s spots showed nothing but grey skies and dead leaves.
Day 3: The BFG speaks, crawling through poo, and a great end!
Today we decided that blinds, bows, cameras, and decoys were bad luck, it was just us, the guns, and our tags. Everyone made fun of my gun beings it was a single shot H&R 10 gauge, but I simply called it my BFG or Man Cannon knowing full well of her capabilities.
Bright and early Thomas and I went in search of a roost area and by some miracle ended up right underneath every bird in the county. Blaster was probably a mile away but made his way towards us. Anyway, we had birds all above us and at fly down they decided to throw a curve ball at us and fly down across a road and out of our dreams. THA4 and I went around a point and made our way to a picked field. I snuck up to the field, using a small dirt mound as cover. Bit by bit I snuck when I suddenly saw on a distant hill the entire flock we had been chasing. I pointed and while I stood there like an idiot I heard a putt right in front of me. When I straightened up I had startled one retarded turkey in the field and I quickly saw a red head. Without thinking I cocked the hammer, aimed, and let the BFG eat. Thomas was standing there with his mouth open and then ran up wondering what had happened. There, 55 yards away was a dead flopping turkey. Another notch on the stock for the old BFG! A few seconds later Blaster called, even though he was ¾ of a mile away he still heard the bark of my gun. We told him where we were and he came around to pick us up and take a few pics. Keeping with my tradition of naming kills I had to dub this bird “Taco Butt” because of the lack of hygiene I was experiencing. It was friggin cold and we had no running water. By the 3rd morning I smelled worse than Thomas…mostly. He was a double bearded jake, which made me laugh. He was also the first bird I had killed with a gun while "running and gunning" in quite a few years. It was a blast!
Well, we decided to continue on after the birds. We located them and eventually I found myself crawling through a field trying to get in front of the flock while THA4 and Blaster tried to sneak up from behind them. I managed to get a shot off but the distance got the better of me and I missed. Yeah, I’ll admit it. When we regrouped I noticed that the field was covered in tampon applicators, toilet paper, condom wrappers, panty liners, etc. We were also hunting near the towns wastewater facility. Yup, they spread the poo on the closest fields and yup, I had been crawling through it. Yup, that pretty much summed up that late morning/mid day hunt. We got the birds relocated and went back to camp for some lunch knowing where they’d roost.
When 3 pm rolled around Blaster and I headed out for the roost areas, hoping to bag a double and salvage some dignity. It had been sleeting like mad earlier and there was 6 inches of snow forecasted the following day. It was now or never in our minds. We sat there for a hour or two when suddenly we heard hens yelping and then a few gobbles. We knew it was only a matter of time so we sat tight. Eventually we saw our quarry as they danced around us in the timber and field. We almost pulled off a double on a couple jakes but just couldn’t get our signals straight. Well, as it got later we noticed a group of 10 birds working our way and there was one big strutter in the group. Blaster gave a couple yelps and the bird tucked tail and ran right at us. Within seconds we were both trying to figure out who was going to shoot. I asked “Can you kill him?” and Blaster replied “Yeah, I can kill him, should I shoot?” Well, this is where signals got crossed because I couldn’t hear him through is face mask, I heard “Kill him… shoot?”
That was enough for me as the bird was staring right at us, only his head showing. The BFG claims another victim as the bird flopped down out of sight. Fortunately the other birds stayed in the field and continued our way and shortly there after Blaster managed to pop a bird, a double!! Upon closer inspection we were again jake slayers. I’ve never seen jakes strut and gobble like these Nebraska birds!
Not long after Blasters shot we were walking out and learned that some of our other members had tagged some birds as well. Risto managed to pop his own double so we were in high spirits that night!
While in camp we were checked by the local CO who’s name was, and I’m not even kidding, Chief Snowball. We didn’t say anything but had a good chuckle over that as well.
Monday morning brought a lot of rain so we gave up. It was a very difficult hunt with the crappy weather but in the end we managed to put a few birds on the ground. Jakes or not, it was FUN!
Add any other comments guys, I know i missed a few things. I'll say that it was nice to finally finish off that box of 10 gauge shells that I bought back in 1999 for duck hunting. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif