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More Nebraska Fun - UPDATED!!

Re: More Nebraska Fun

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: muddy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">LISTEN HERE!!! </div></div>

Whatever RRRandy!

you gonna get the rest of the post up or what????
Re: More Nebraska Fun

you dont work....

Re: More Nebraska Fun

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: muddy</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Blaster</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: muddy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Primos or Primus? Which is it Derek?

SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! </div></div>



Re: More Nebraska Fun UPDATED!!!

Day 2: Possumed, no luck!

Andy and Tony were into the birds but no shots fired. All of Thomas’s spots showed nothing but grey skies and dead leaves.

Day 3: The BFG speaks, crawling through poo, and a great end!

Today we decided that blinds, bows, cameras, and decoys were bad luck, it was just us, the guns, and our tags. Everyone made fun of my gun beings it was a single shot H&R 10 gauge, but I simply called it my BFG or Man Cannon knowing full well of her capabilities.

Bright and early Thomas and I went in search of a roost area and by some miracle ended up right underneath every bird in the county. Blaster was probably a mile away but made his way towards us. Anyway, we had birds all above us and at fly down they decided to throw a curve ball at us and fly down across a road and out of our dreams. THA4 and I went around a point and made our way to a picked field. I snuck up to the field, using a small dirt mound as cover. Bit by bit I snuck when I suddenly saw on a distant hill the entire flock we had been chasing. I pointed and while I stood there like an idiot I heard a putt right in front of me. When I straightened up I had startled one retarded turkey in the field and I quickly saw a red head. Without thinking I cocked the hammer, aimed, and let the BFG eat. Thomas was standing there with his mouth open and then ran up wondering what had happened. There, 55 yards away was a dead flopping turkey. Another notch on the stock for the old BFG! A few seconds later Blaster called, even though he was ¾ of a mile away he still heard the bark of my gun. We told him where we were and he came around to pick us up and take a few pics. Keeping with my tradition of naming kills I had to dub this bird “Taco Butt” because of the lack of hygiene I was experiencing. It was friggin cold and we had no running water. By the 3rd morning I smelled worse than Thomas…mostly. He was a double bearded jake, which made me laugh. He was also the first bird I had killed with a gun while "running and gunning" in quite a few years. It was a blast!



Well, we decided to continue on after the birds. We located them and eventually I found myself crawling through a field trying to get in front of the flock while THA4 and Blaster tried to sneak up from behind them. I managed to get a shot off but the distance got the better of me and I missed. Yeah, I’ll admit it. When we regrouped I noticed that the field was covered in tampon applicators, toilet paper, condom wrappers, panty liners, etc. We were also hunting near the towns wastewater facility. Yup, they spread the poo on the closest fields and yup, I had been crawling through it. Yup, that pretty much summed up that late morning/mid day hunt. We got the birds relocated and went back to camp for some lunch knowing where they’d roost.




When 3 pm rolled around Blaster and I headed out for the roost areas, hoping to bag a double and salvage some dignity. It had been sleeting like mad earlier and there was 6 inches of snow forecasted the following day. It was now or never in our minds. We sat there for a hour or two when suddenly we heard hens yelping and then a few gobbles. We knew it was only a matter of time so we sat tight. Eventually we saw our quarry as they danced around us in the timber and field. We almost pulled off a double on a couple jakes but just couldn’t get our signals straight. Well, as it got later we noticed a group of 10 birds working our way and there was one big strutter in the group. Blaster gave a couple yelps and the bird tucked tail and ran right at us. Within seconds we were both trying to figure out who was going to shoot. I asked “Can you kill him?” and Blaster replied “Yeah, I can kill him, should I shoot?” Well, this is where signals got crossed because I couldn’t hear him through is face mask, I heard “Kill him… shoot?”

That was enough for me as the bird was staring right at us, only his head showing. The BFG claims another victim as the bird flopped down out of sight. Fortunately the other birds stayed in the field and continued our way and shortly there after Blaster managed to pop a bird, a double!! Upon closer inspection we were again jake slayers. I’ve never seen jakes strut and gobble like these Nebraska birds!


Not long after Blasters shot we were walking out and learned that some of our other members had tagged some birds as well. Risto managed to pop his own double so we were in high spirits that night!



While in camp we were checked by the local CO who’s name was, and I’m not even kidding, Chief Snowball. We didn’t say anything but had a good chuckle over that as well.

Monday morning brought a lot of rain so we gave up. It was a very difficult hunt with the crappy weather but in the end we managed to put a few birds on the ground. Jakes or not, it was FUN!

Add any other comments guys, I know i missed a few things. I'll say that it was nice to finally finish off that box of 10 gauge shells that I bought back in 1999 for duck hunting. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
Re: More Nebraska Fun UPDATED!!!

one thing is for sure....

Chief Snowball and the field covered in applicators etc was no joke!!!


great trip fellas!

Risto, how about the story about your birds!!

thanks for going guys, i think we did pretty dang good considering the horrible conditions we had to hunt in.....

Re: More Nebraska Fun UPDATED!!!

The only thing i would add is after Muddy shot his bird i got a little impatient and thinking the birds were going to leave the area i decided to stalk them in a open feild. When i crested the hill i about fell over! There 20 yards away was the whole flock of 40 birds looking right at me. I don't know who was more shocked the birds or me. I should of had 2 with those odds! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Re: More Nebraska Fun UPDATED!!!

One more thing. You forgot to mention that i found a bigger shed then Andy! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Re: More Nebraska Fun UPDATED!!!

And I destroyed your hearing with the BFG blast.
Re: More Nebraska Fun

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: muddy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Oh the heck with it, could be a week before I get all the photos and stories. We'll just keep adding as they show up.

Post away at ol "Two Shot Thomas" </div></div>

Two shot Thomas, I had a run-in with him a few years back!!

Except it was deer hunting and it was 8 shot Thomas!!!

Sorry Thomas, couldn't resist!!

You can choose to elaborate if you wish! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

Nice looking birds boys!!!

Congrats on the great hunt!
Re: More Nebraska Fun

i dont miss.....

i just fire warning shots.....

Re: More Nebraska Fun UPDATED!!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: muddy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">And I destroyed your hearing with the BFG blast. </div></div>

You should have used a couple tampons as ear plugs. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
Re: More Nebraska Fun

Nice job on the birds guys! If you would have stayed another day you could have hunted them in a fresh snow.
Re: More Nebraska Fun

And Risto chimes in with his story finally!

Wow is all I can say.
I actually do not think I have ever hunted in such miserable conditions
for so many days.
Andy and myself kept after it though and scored on Sunday night.

It started on Friday when Andy, Thomas and myself pulled into the
reservation and met up with Blaster. There was 3-4 inches of snow on the
ground and it was chilly to say the least for spring turkey hunting.

Thomas showed us two spots that possibly held birds and Andy and I hit
the road to see if we could find them.

When we went we were dead set on shooting a couple with bows but that
changed in a few days.

At our main spot we did see a flock of about 60 birds and decided to set
up there. We set up the Dbl. Bull and all our dekes. We sat there for 9
hours and did not see anything until roost time and all the birds came
back in to the side of us. We thought we were in the catbird seat for
the next day.

Sat. morning came and it was still cold. Definitely the coldest camping
night of my life.
We did a round about to our blind and was in there before light. Then
the 25-35 mph winds started.
We heard lots of gobbling and yelping but they all went the opposite way.
After sitting for four hours we decided to see where they went.
We saw the birds and decided to reset up our blind. We went to get it
and on our way back we heard a shot from the road. Then we saw a lot
of birds coming across the field. I mean a lot.

We dropped the packs and tried to cut them off. We got within 100 yards
and then they stopped and went back right to where they were before.
So we went back to where we started and set the blind up immediately.
We sat there until dark minus a short 2 hour break and none of the birds
came back to the area bummer. Got out of the blind and went to the top
of the hill and used my Palmer's hoot tube and got one gobble in return.
At least we had a starting point.

Next morning was a little warmer but still a slight wind. We left the
blind where it was and decided to move to another location but with guns
this time. We knew we had snow and rain predicted and was not going to
let our egos get in the way.

The birds went nuts and gobbles everywhere the hens yelped for about an
hour. We had six hens come into the field and they had two toms in tow.
The hens would not budge but the toms would gobble at our calls. The
toms followed the hens back into the woods and were gone.

Andy and I decided to do a little more scouting in the area and lady
luck shined on Andy with his first SHED.

We took a break and decided to check out some other areas since we were
not at all familiar with any other areas of the reservation and what
areas held what for birds. The maps they gave us at check in were not
very well marked and just wanted to get more familiar with the area
since neither one of us had been there before.

We then headed back to camp after our drive around to get a quick bite
and get back out there.

At 5:00 PM Sunday night we pulled up into our area and all I remember
Andy saying was I need to fix my socks and by the time he got back into
the truck I was sleeping. We were both tired and took about a 1/2 hr.
nap in the truck. When we awoke we headed to where we heard the birds
that morning. We saw a lone tom in the field. He answered our calls but
then a hen yelped to our right. He dropped strut and was off to find
her. We decided to cut him off. I put Andy in front of me about 30 yards
and began calling.
After about 1/2 hour we heard a gobble behind us. Then there were three
jakes gobbling.
Dang I had Andy in the wrong position. I slipped around to the other
side of the tree and was set up gun pointed that way. The jakes kept
gobbling and started to head our way. After about another 1/2 hour of
working them they were within 30 yards. Two stopped behind a tree and
one was getting real nervous. I figured it was now or never. Dropped the
first one in his tracks.
The other two ran and I shot at a second one and missed. He then made a
fatal mistake and stopped third shot and second bird down.

I looked at Andy and he put up two fingers and said two? I said yep.
The first bird dropped into a deep gully with water and the second was
still flopping.
I could of swore that the one bird was a hen with a beard but upon
further examination it was a very young jake. After the high fives and
pictures we roosted more birds for the next morning.

Monday early morning we awoke with rain drops on top of the trailer and
when wake up time came it was miserable out. Puddles of
water everywhere. With terrible conditions forecasted we decided to head
We really wanted two more birds and had them roosted but the weather
made up our minds for us.

Excellent trip with an excellent double result and talk about doing it
the hard way. WOW !!!!
Re: More Nebraska Fun

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: muddy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">And Risto chimes in with his story finally!

Come on Muddy some of us have a day job. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
I am not used to writing a book in ten minutes on demand. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

Great time had by all. Let me know when you want my wife to make some more brownies. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
Re: More Nebraska Fun

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: THA4</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i dont miss.....

i just fire warning shots.....

/forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif</div></div>Do I even need to bring up the Nebraska trip from last year???? Warning shots is right!!

Congrats guys!!!
Re: More Nebraska Fun

Sounds like wayyy too much fun!! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

Lotta great memories there boys...can't beat that with a stick (or a BFG... /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif )
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