More Young Hunter Success

slice and dice

New Member
Sorry, paranoid mom doesn't want names or pictures on here. BUT, I am extremely proud of my 10 year old daughter....Third deer harvested and FIRST bowkill tonight. Second sit of the season. Nice fat mature doe at 15 yards. 32 pound bow is plenty....buried it up to the fletchings and poked out through the other side. (85 grain Thunderhead)

She is excited to get out during the rut and try to get on a shooter buck.
(85 grain Thunderhead)

She is excited to get out during the rut and try to get on a shooter buck.

Nice! I use to love them 85 Thunderheads.. I shot close to 10 deer with them and 2 of them being my biggest archery kills. All but one died within 40 yards of where I shot them and the other one went about 100 yds.. Sometimes I'm almost tempted to go back to them, but, they weren't the most accurate broadhead as far as consistently hitting the same spot but, they were pretty much all complete pass throughs.. Hope she gets her buck!