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Morning hunts

I have never been able to bring myself to using lighting to get to my stand on morning hunts but I have a couple that are just extremly hard to get to without lighting now...Im considering getting a green or red light??? anyone got any suggestions on color? do they scare deer? or should i just risk the walk and go without light?
I wait till shooting light to go to my stand.I can be a lot quieter not tripping over twigs and things.I don't think many deer are in the woods when its dark anyway.I will be in my stand about 10 or 15 minutes after legal shooting time.
I try to get to the stand at least 45 minutes before the sun starts to rise. Doesnt seem to help any, though. Not one time in the last 2 years have I been able to get to my stand in the morning without hearing at least 1 doe blow at me. I try different routes. Just get busted every time. It doesnt effect my hunts though.

With the light, I use a headlight. White light works best. You may not believe me but last year I had 2 small bucks walk right up towards me while I was walking through a picked corn field. Within 10 yards. They are curious about the light.
I'm with Soak, I usually get in the stand by 6-6:15 and it usually gets like right around 7 o'clock. I use a cheap ravac walmart battery-operated latern and haven't had any deer blow me. I have seen some fled but none have forecasted my presence.

Maybe, you could invest in some form of night vision optic; They've been around awhile so i'm sure you could find one cheap. Heck, you could use just a regular video camera w/night vision and video tape your hunt on the same day.
Nothing good can happen going into your stand 45 minutes early.Only bad.Unless you figure on shooting deer early.what good are you doing in your stand so early.Just my opinion.I have no interest in sitting there if I can't shoot anything.I never blow deer out of the woods and as a matter of fact the biggest buck I ever shot was on my way to standI was about 10 minutes late cuz I had to take the kids to the babysitter before I could go hunting.
I'm betting most veteran bowhunters like to be settled in their stand well before legal shooting light...I know I do. If you're in your stand 45 minutes before sunrise, that means 15 minutes before legal light, and I'd say this is pretty normal for me. I don't want to be still walking to my stand at that first legal light, because it is often the best time of the morning. I use a light to get to my stand almost every time. Safety being the main concern, both in terms of avoiding tripping over objects as well as not knowing for sure who might be out there. I point it straight down at the ground as I walk, so it doesn't spook game from long distances. If a deer is close enough to see the flashlight, they were eventually going to be spooked anyway. Just my 2 cents.

I like the green light....you can see pretty well with it, and animals are not supposed to see it very well.
I like the green light....you can see pretty well with it, and animals are not supposed to see it very well.

I agree...but honestly I have been walking right by bedded deer for 30 years now in the morning and they scarecly look up. They don't know what car lights are and they don't know what a flashlight is.

Deer don't run much from something in the darkness and I have climbed tree stands with a buck tending a doe 30 yards away. Even if one blows they'll calm down under cover of darkness but in daylight they'll stampede outta there!

Go in, in the dark ALWAYS...don't matter what color of light...;)
I get in before first light and I use a Ray O Vac headlamp with red, blue, green and then led lights. I mainly use the red or green for walking in. This headlamp also has a red light on the back of your head that can flash if you want it too. I like this for safety reasons in case someone else is out there.
I like to be settled in the stand 15-30 minutes before shooting light to give my scent a chance to dissipate a little and let the area get back to normal. If there is enough moonlight I will try to go in without light. Depends on the stand location and the route in. Otherwise, I use one of the little LED clip-on cap lights most of the time They provide just enough light for you to see your way and do not shine all around.
Im kinda along the same routine as everyone else. I use a mini mag with my fingers over the end of the flash light to help hide some of the light. I usually try to be in my stand 20-30min before shooting light.
I've always been in the stand an hour before sunrise, about 20-30 minutes before legal shooting. Really like to give the area time to settle down if I've disturbed any critters
I agree...but honestly I have been walking right by bedded deer for 30 years now in the morning Deer don't run much from something in the darkness Go in, in the dark ALWAYS...don't matter what color of light...;)

I Agree with dbtree here.:way:
I like to be in stand 5 minutes before I can shoot. I can't stand sitting in the dark, there is no point to it. I have not yet found spot where I see deer immediately. Typically, I am not even figuring on seeing a deer until sunrise to a half hour after, but I typically hunt big timbers and way back in them.

As far as a light, the brighter the better. Deer can't see it, so why does it matter what color it is? The next time a deer walks by you in the dark take your flashlight and shine it at them. They will continue on their normal business without looking up. Plus when you are walking you are shining it at the ground, not willy nilly across the landscape.
I use red light because deer cannot see in the red spectrum. You can also buy a cheap but bright regular flashlight and use a red Sharpie marker and color the lens. Works just the same as the special "non game spooking" lights.
I always go to my stands at least 30 minutes before shooting light... I want everything to settle down before legal shooting light.

I almost never use a light of any kind going into my stands....I don't want to draw attention to myself.... If it is absolutely pitch black and I can't see my hand in front of my face, then I will use my light, but as little as possible.

For the people that say they like to wait for light to go to their stands, in the evenings do you get out of your stand the minute legal light ends?? I wait till at least 15 minutes after that to make sure nothing will see me walking out especially if I know there are deer close to me.
I always prefer to be out well before first legal shooting light, like most other here. I have a Petzl Tac-Tikka head lamp with 4 LEDs and a flip-up red cover. Its amazingly bright, lightweight, only costs about $30, and is very durable. With the red lens in place, i can see clearly to find my way through the mountains out here very quietly and have never spooked game, including walking within 30 yards of a couple of deer and right under 4 roosted toms.
As far as a light, the brighter the better. Deer can't see it, so why does it matter what color it is? The next time a deer walks by you in the dark take your flashlight and shine it at them. They will continue on their normal business without looking up. Plus when you are walking you are shining it at the ground, not willy nilly across the landscape.

That's it right there in a nutshell! It's not the light that bothers them, it's somebody walking around in their bedroom...:D
I try to make it to the stand 30 minutes before shooting light also. Like many others, I prefer the woods to settle in and be setting quietly at first light. I have had many, many encounters from my stand at first light, and also at last light in the evening. I always try to go light free, out of superstition that I will spook something, but use just a cheap white light if I use anything.
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