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Movement update...

Went out in SW IA (PM) in the wind, seen does/fawns. Big boys still waiting till dark to move. Did see first shooter in daylight on the cam this AM though, had to work. Going to try the next few mornings.
Seeing excellent movement in the mornings up through 10:00. Lots of small bucks chasing and pushing does around. Rattling has been effective as well as grunting. Monday and today I've seen bigger deer on the move. Monday it was a mid-150s 9 point but he never got close enough. This morning I passed on a 130-class 9 point and a mid 130s 10 ... I hope it pays off.

Never saw a deer this am. Seen a doe and yearling last night, could hear a buck grunting but couldnt see him. Even those were right at last light.
Sat on some public land last night cedar river in front of me picked corn behind me and that's all there was during the hunt. looked into the field after shooting hours didn't see any deer either. Buddy left a message said he saw a big buck in a picked bean field with a doe bedded beside him on his way home. Going to pick up my lil guy from grandmas after the hunt saw a nice 2.5 8 point bird dogging thru the golf couse stopped and watch as he ran right infront of the truck, didn't even give me a glance nose down cruisin.
two days of wind and a 15-20 degree drop in temp the last two days (se Iowa)...if tomorrow holds out to be calm and mid 20's like they're calling for...they should be rocking tomorrow morning!!!
I agree that tommorrow morning should be great.
Too bad I have to work till noon.
I just just got home from this afternoons hunt and it has definately gotten better in past day or two.
Seen 5 differrent bucks with 2 shooters-for a change.
The bigger boys are starting to move more often.I'll be out tommorrow afternoon and most of the weekend.Should be exciting.
Good luck to everyone!
I was working out of town and didn't get home until later this afternoon. Started walking to the stand at 5. Way too late. Got to the stand at 515 and scared off a bunch of deer. 15 minutes later I had deer all around me. Had 2 little bucks fighting in front of me in the picked corn. Right before legal shooting light a BIG bodied buck came out and scared off a bunch of deer. I tried looking at him through the bino's and all I could see was very long tines. He was about 200 yards away. I'm hoping he bedded but I'm doubting it. He was heading straight east through the middle of the field and he looked to be on a mission. Gonna say my prayers tonight and get back out there in the morning. Might let out a doe in heat call right at first light to see if I can get him close. If he's around.
Hold them off till Saturday! My 2 week vaca Starts then!:D:way::way::way::D Been pretty slow by all accounts here in the SE ! Less you count town deer!!(C'mon Tim!!:D)
Hunted in the wind the last 2 days in SE, rattling is hot but not many big boys with the girls yet. Lots of young bucks on the chase. Rattled in 5 bucks in 2 mornings, nothing big enough to take down yet but some good action.
Had a forkie come into my decoy last night (my first encounter with a decoy). First he thought he wanted to fight him, then he started to lick him and be his buddy. One of the coolest things I've experienced in the field!!
Had another spike in range and then a shooter buck went by at 60 yards at dark, but couldn't get him to even turn his head & look at me.
None of those 3 bucks had their noses to the ground though, so I'm wondering (hoping) that we're still a few days off from the hot & heavy action around here.
Have tons of pics of shooters in the middle of the night still, but I have yet to get a pic of a shooter in the day; the one I saw last night is the 2nd shooter I've seen during light.
sat in an observation stand this morning...this particular farm has historically been an evening place so I wasn't expecting much. Sat til 10 and was fairly cold when I got down. I saw three deer, all young bucks, noses to the ground bird-doggin.
I just saw a drop tine 160 class buck run across the road in front of me at 11:30am. Open country with does all around. Oh well my tags are filled.
tonight looked like a middle school dance all jr. high boys running around and not really sure what they were supposed to be doing but they sure were excited (my son saw 10 different little guys)!!! I had a friend hit a big 12 this morning (hit him too high, and he will make it for sure with only 2" of arrow penetration), and then while they were looking had a 140 class deer cruising at 2 this afternoon.
Friday the 5th

Awesome night just north of winterset. Had a 160 class on a doe at 1:30 in an open bean field. Seen another buck chaseing 2 does at 3; couldnt tell how big he was. then at 5 had a 135 8 point and 3 other baskets all within 10 yards for about 20 minutes they came from ALL directions. on the way home followed a decent 10 along side the road. i think things are heating up but with warm weather tomorrow and sunday may slow alittle, i think the week of the 14th will be on fire.... :way:
Lots of movement tonight, more deer than i've seen in a long time. Big boy with does right at dusk, but lots of chasing and grunting from the smaller bucks. Back out in the A.M. Good luck everyone.
Saw about 15 does last night and only one group of 4 of them had anything after them and it was a really small buck.
Saw 2 other small bucks and they were just out walking around and not acting interested in anything but walking around.
I have to think that it's a bit early here yet since none of the other does had anything following them. :confused:
I haven't done any all day sits yet, but almost. I've been seeing action until 11 each morning and usually get back in the stand around between 1:30 and 2 and see deer up on their feet right after I get settled in. Today is the 1st day this week I got out the stand before 11.
saw 16 different bucks and 10 does yesterday afternoon into the evening. Action started around 330pm and was still going strong at 645...No shooters, but some interesting bucks nonetheless and some really cool deer interactions. Maybe two 3.5yr olds, the rest were 2.5yr olds and two 1.5yr olds.

I think one doe may have been hot. Her tarsals seemed dark and she stopped twice along a trail and pee'd but nothing was following her. These little bucks were pushing some of the does hard and the does didn't seem impressed, which confirms my belief that the does currently in heat are with the big bucks and the mass chaos is still yet to come.

Deer were literally coming from all directions. bummer is with the predicted winds I probably won't be able to get back into this particular set again...unless the weather man changes the outlook.

NOTHING this morning, but I was on a different farm.

It's a lot more productive in afternoon than the mornings right now where I hunt. Probably be an all day sit on Monday...perhaps tomorrow, unless tonight's shooter shows up.
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