saw 16 different bucks and 10 does yesterday afternoon into the evening. Action started around 330pm and was still going strong at 645...No shooters, but some interesting bucks nonetheless and some really cool deer interactions. Maybe two 3.5yr olds, the rest were 2.5yr olds and two 1.5yr olds.
I think one doe may have been hot. Her tarsals seemed dark and she stopped twice along a trail and pee'd but nothing was following her. These little bucks were pushing some of the does hard and the does didn't seem impressed, which confirms my belief that the does currently in heat are with the big bucks and the mass chaos is still yet to come.
Deer were literally coming from all directions. bummer is with the predicted winds I probably won't be able to get back into this particular set again...unless the weather man changes the outlook.
NOTHING this morning, but I was on a different farm.
It's a lot more productive in afternoon than the mornings right now where I hunt. Probably be an all day sit on Monday...perhaps tomorrow, unless tonight's shooter shows up.