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Movement update...

I went out this morning in Warren county with my dad. I saw 8 does, one doe with two yearlings. My dad was on a ridge about 150 yards away and he saw 5 does. Not a single antler was spotted.
went out this morning. Never seen so many deer in a stand within a half hours time. 5 bucks two over 150 inch and 9 does. Rut is on here in cass county
My dad connected yesterday morning and I have been seeing deer running through the valley all day today now. It is on I believe. Have been getting pics of some bigger bucks lately as well, within the last 4 days!! If I wasn't done already, I would be on my stand right now. Couple pics have been right over noon hour too!!
I started this post on Thursday, it is now Saturday afternoon...just to keep our days straight, and has been fun to read...last night was the night it was like the jr high dance (little guys on their feet everywhere). This morning was like a carbon copy of yesterday morning...saw a shooter at first light (the one this morning was trailing a doe grunting like a pig with every step), but stayed at 60 yards, and then pretty quiet except for a couple young bucks running marathon type runs across open fields. Getting ready to go out for this afternoon, but with this south wind, it will completely change my set up.
Buddy just sent me a text from the stand. Had a 20+ wide 10 go by with only 6" tines and no mass. Let him walk. Thinks he should have maybe shot him but didn't. This was at 1:50pm today.
I think I'm buying more into Alzheimer's theory from Deer & Deer hunting, saw a lot of activity around Halloween but the real deal is supposed to kick in after the 15th. Should be interesting. Needless to say, I'm keeping good tabs on my journal for future seasons.
Same stuff is happening to me as well. Lots of young bucks and lots of does. Yet to see a shooter but it's still not "warmed" up, I don't think.
i have been hunting dallas and madison counties ive been seeing a real nice 10 locked on hard with a doehere i hunt in dallas county i grunted at him a few times and he would turn his head at me but that was about it. Other than that iys just been several small bucks trying thier hardest. I have been seeing the same type of action in the winterset area as well. This warmer weather and south wind wont help the action but you cant shoot them sitting on the couch!
I think I'm buying more into Alzheimer's theory from Deer & Deer hunting, saw a lot of activity around Halloween but the real deal is supposed to kick in after the 15th. Should be interesting. Needless to say, I'm keeping good tabs on my journal for future seasons.
I have been thinking the same thing. I sat in a stand yesterday that had 9 bucks cruise by exactly one year ago. Yesterday not a one! Alzheimer knows his stuff and it should be interesting to see what happens. We still have another two weeks before the full moon.
NW Iowa-
With the south wind I don't have a spot I can see for a long way, but Saturday night, I didn't see a deer.
Went out this morning (Sunday) and saw one fawn but I had 2 in my back yard when I pulled out, there were 2 in the practice football field, saw 2 on the driveway of the place I pulled in and kicked a couple out when I was walking in.

Had a buddy on the next property of where I was and he saw a small buck, 2 small bucks chasing a doe and one shooter that was just walking and not dogging anything.

If the rut is really going get into full swing after the 15th and I haven't filled my tag by then, I might need a lawyer and a place to stay!!! :eek:
Two small bucks this am. I have not seen a shooter yet. Ive seen about 20 different bucks and they have all been 1.5 or 2.5 yrs old. Man thats a long time to wait until after the 15th of Nov.
Had a doe with her twins under me this morning, both were future Booners(button bucks) Then about 10 had some does feeding in the woods close to me when all of a sudden a little four or six point chased a doe right by and they all took off. They little guy had is mouth open and head down. No other bucks came by though.
10 does/fawns this morning.....not a single buck?????????????????????? Nothing from 9:00 to 12:00. Scratchin my head big time. This spot is usually good for 3 to 10 bucks per sit. Madison County.

You guys think a lot of big post rut bucks died last winter in certain areas????
10 does/fawns this morning.....not a single buck?????????????????????? Nothing from 9:00 to 12:00. Scratchin my head big time. This spot is usually good for 3 to 10 bucks per sit. Madison County.

You guys think a lot of big post rut bucks died last winter in certain areas????

It's a different rut this year, the bucks are all still out there, but with the moon lining up the way it is you're going to see pockets of movement up until about mid month and then you'll see the normal routine. Supposedly the majority of does won't start to pop until around Thanksgiving, meaning the 15th onward will be hot. Should make 1st shotgun interesting.

I didn't buy into the late rut either but I saw some good action around Halloween and since then its been dead. I'm still going to put my time in but if I see a lot of rutting activity around Thanksgiving I may become loyal to these moon phases.
Seen 15+ does and fawns last night, one little forky bumped them around at dark. This morning had a 120 in 9 point at 15 yards, just need one with 25 or 30 more inches of antler.

In Kansas seeing very little rut activity except for little bucks, no mature deer on their feet yet. Hope you guys are wrong about a late rut, I took the 4th-14th off work. Hope it starts picking up before I have to go back to work....
I'm not putting any stock into moon phases for the rut. I'm seeing plenty of does locked down with 3.5 year olds bucks right now. I'm also seeing the young bucks going crazy chasing every doe they see. The young bucks are on their feet 24/7 right now. Does being run everywhere. But if you sit long enough in the right places; you'll also see does that aren't running. They are being attended to by 3.5 to 4.5 year olds. I'm holding out for a paticular buck that hasn't showed himself with one of these hot does yet. I'm hoping he hasn't been shot by someone else.
I don't buy into Charles' theories at all. Fawns must hit the ground late enough to avoid cold/snow and early enough to put on weight for winter.....PERIOD! Length of day governs all of this - or, the amount of light present. IMO.....We need some cloudy weather.

I think folks are seeing pockets of activity due to an early hot doe in the area pulling virtually every buck in a 2 or 3 mile radius in. Leaving other cold doe areas baren of bucks. The bulk of the herd IMO around Central Iowa will be hot all at once around November 12-15. At least that's what I keep telling myself to keep the confidence up.
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