A couple final thoughts and questions and then I'll shut up and listen. Only gripe I have about the HSS is the lineman's belt sold separately for $30. Just the principle of that sort of rubs me the wrong way. Pay more money to truly be safe in all applications. By the time you factor that in you're looking at upwards of $200 with tax compared to the $100 for Muddy in which the belt is included so there's a huge plus for Muddy. Then again, I tried on an HSS the other day and man are they freakin handy. Took less than 10 seconds to have it on and secure. To the Muddy users...have you <u>ever </u> felt like you were fumbling to find a strap or figure out where a given strap goes or had any sort of problem getting a strap secure? Any problems with the parachute buckles? This is my main concern having not tried on a Muddy in person. The straps vs. the seatbelt style buckles on the HSS. I want to be able to get it on in the dark, possibly under time constraints and have zero issues whatsoever.