Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

My Other Passion....(pics added)

is hunting also but in a different world...Shovelbuck, now maybe you can see why I spend tons of money traveling to hunt new things a different way... Freediving "spearo" is a huge passion of mine , It involves NO TANKS , just one breath.. My keys trip tested my skills on depth a few moths ago.. I hit 70+ feet on my own.. Its a very dangerous sport solo, but once you have seen the things down there, it will change you for the rest of you life..mine has. These are some great photos of Spearos and sport Freedivers...A few of these guys I dove and hunted with in the keyes not long ago....Thought some would enjoy some great photography.









Re: My Other Passion.......

HOLY BAJEEZ!!! That would be a blast. That last fish is huge what kinda fish is that? And are they good eatin? If they are that would be one big fillet. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif
Re: My Other Passion.......

super cool stuff T!!!!!

those pix are incredible!!!!!

Re: My Other Passion.......

Looks like a Sea Bass. Dont know if they are good eating. Ive never spearfished but if Dolphins are legal to harvest thats what i would go after them things are taaaaasty
Re: My Other Passion.......

Ha ha, it's just one of many Giant groupers.. not as big as the Goliaths, but these get pretty big.
Re: My Other Passion.......

Nice pics and I never did say I questioned why you spent the money. What I did was question the griping you were doing about DNR prices. That's ancient history. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
More power to you for doing the diving. Neet stuff that most only dream about. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
Re: My Other Passion.......

Heck I can barely make it to the bottom of a 10 ft swimming pool until I start freaking out awesome!!
Re: My Other Passion.......

WOW that's awesome. I saw someone try to break the world record freediving record awhile back on like discovery. Can't remember how deep they went but was thinking 200 feet maybe could be off I don't remember. That's crazy on one breath.
Re: My Other Passion.......

People can hit 400-500ft , but the catch is they are on "sleds" weighted to rip them to the bottom and then they have to assend on their own.. Very scary stuff
Re: My Other Passion.......

Just wondering.....................on a good day, how long can you hold your breath? To swim down to 70 ft. then come up has to take a couple minutes doesn't it?
I get freaked out just by little Bluegills nibbling on me.
Re: My Other Passion.......

that is some cool stuff, and it looks like it is a blast. i would love to try that someday.
Re: My Other Passion.......

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Shovelbuck</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just wondering.....................on a good day, how long can you hold your breath? To swim down to 70 ft. then come up has to take a couple minutes doesn't it?
I get freaked out just by little Bluegills nibbling on me.</div></div>

Ha ha...I'm a smoker witch maks it twice as hard to practice.. But after many breathing sessions that do to slow the heart rate down it gets easy... You train your brain to NOT want to breath... It takes alot of practice.. To hit 50 ft , it only takes around 20 seconds maybe.. It all depends on the weight on your belt.. I got on the plane with a breath hold of 3min. 40 seconds or better.. got to the keys and lost a full minute or more...day of rest and I was back in it.. I am comfortable lying on the bottom stalking for about 3 minutes, normaly.
Re: My Other Passion.......

Pretty impressive T.
Think about how well you could do if you quit smokeing.
Re: My Other Passion.......

Good buddy of mine would dive and spear fish, and not use a tank. I swear this guy could hold his breath for 4 minutes. There were times when we would be getting ready to go look for him and his snorkle would pop up and blow water out, and he would breath like he wasn't even out of breath.

He worked with me for a summer, and I got to where I could stay under for about 2 minutes. That was just one summers worth of working on it. I can't imagine how long a person could go without a breath if they really worked at it.
Re: My Other Passion.......pics added

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shadowpeople</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What's the range on those spear guns? </div></div>

The rang is crazy.. some Tuna guns can puch thru stuff at 30-40 ft. My newest gun is in this pick of me training for longshots.. This gun is a 6' carbon gun that can blow thru 40-60lb fish at 20' from the end of the gun.. It shoots a 61" steel shaft.




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