Blaming bow hunters? Almost every bownhunter I know is also a gun hunter. This is not a bow hunter vs. Gun hunter issue. This is a conservation AND safety issue.
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Care to provide any additional context to your statement?All, I have been advised that the email has been rewritten or will soon be rewritten. Let's let this one work itself out. People way above my pay grade and ability are handling this.
Care to provide any additional context to your statement?
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How do you respond to all the other cartridges with would end up allowing... all listed in this thread.I would'nt be on the IFC's mailing list but I found this with a quick google search.
Support HF716
2017 witnessed the passage of two bills by the Iowa legislature that were of great importance to the members and supporters of Iowa Firearms Coalition. One of those was the Omnibus Gun Bill of 2017, which included a provision that legalized the supervised shooting of handguns by youths in Iowa. The second was the legalization of deer hunting with rifles chambered for cartridges typically used in handguns. Both of these measures have proved to be wildly popular with Iowans.
However, these changes led IFC and others to discover some other problems with our current laws and regulations governing the deer hunt.
First, no one under the age of seventeen is allowed to hunt deer with a handgun. So, hunting families can now teach their younger members to shoot handguns, but now how to hunt with them.
Second, when the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) adopted new rules for the “handgun cartridge” rifles, it also arbitrarily rewrote the rules on handguns, making it illegal to hunt with an entire class of pistols (AR-type and similar) that had been in common use by hunters for years. This rule change was not published in the 2017-2018 Hunting Regulations, nor was it publicized by the NCR/DNR. As a result, some Iowa hunters received citations for violating rules they didn’t know existed, with the same pistols they had used in previous seasons.
IFC and NRA have worked for three years with NRC, DNR, and legislators to address these issues. During the course of these efforts, we discovered that the Iowa Code and the NRC regulations were unnecessarily confusing in places, contained superfluous and outdated restrictions, and that the regulations were even in conflict with statutory requirements in some regards.
While the NRC withdrew their objectionable new rule on handguns, IFC, NRA and legislators worked to carefully craft a legislative solution to all of these issues. HF716 was introduced in 2019 and was passed by the House. Ill-informed opposition from a “progressive” Senator combined with a fast-approaching legislative deadline to keep the bill from being considered in the Senate last year. IFC and NRA worked “under the radar” this year to revive the bill in that chamber. It has now cleared both subcommittee and the Natural Resources Committee hearing. But now that it is eligible for Senate debate, the same forces have suddenly begun to orchestrate opposition to the bill. Despite their claim, this bill will NOT allow for the general use of high-powered hunting rifles for deer, nor is it intended to be the camel’s nose in the tent on that issue.
This bill, HF716, will allow supervised youth to hunt deer with handguns, will require NRC/DNR to use standard federal definitions for classes and categories of firearms, and will clarify and simplify the rules on what ammunition is allowed for hunting deer.
Don’t allow a misinterpretation of this bill (or the spread of outright misinformation) spoil three year’s work. Pass this bill!!!
How do you respond to all the other cartridges with would end up allowing... all listed in this thread.
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I have no response. I do not approve of the bill and have let the appropriate people know multiple times. I just shared what I found.How do you respond to all the other cartridges with would end up allowing... all listed in this thread.
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Reading too quick and didn't realize it was a copy and paste. All good.I have no response. I do not approve of the bill and have let the appropriate people know multiple times. I just shared what I found.
Is anyone surprised by this statement? “IFC & NRA worked under the radar” on this bill. Shocker!!! Last year when it was rightfully defeated- we all said on here - “it’ll be back!!! It’s already written & being tweaked for next year”. We all knew this.IFC and NRA worked “under the radar” this year to revive the bill in that chamber. It has now cleared both subcommittee and the Natural Resources Committee hearing. But now that it is eligible for Senate debate, the same forces have suddenly begun to orchestrate opposition to the bill.
Pass this bill!!!
Definitely spike in ammo sales as wellThe corona virus ended the slump if there was one with gun sales. lol.
Email sent. Seemed odd to reference a house bill to my senator. Is there a Senate bill # or are they actually considering this house bill?
Get this stopped. No one from the IFC responded what would prevent cartridges such as 375 H&H Magnum. So, I am guessing they would be in.