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New ML owner here...


New Member
Bought an Omega and getting ready to get after it. I have a SS barrel and I am shooting the 777 pellets. Any cleaning recommendations? I saw the thread concerning long term storage but what should I do right after I shoot during or before season?
I have an Encore, and cleaning is a breeze. I shoot Triple Seven pellets as well, which helps the process. I use the T/C bore cleaner, and after about six patches, the patch comes thru clean. I then run a few dry patches down the barrel to get any leftover moisture. I just bought a tool T/C sells to clean the breech plug threads inside the barrel. Looks like a breech plug, and it removes all of the fouling from the threads.
I always clean it the same whether I shoot it once or put it away for the season. Just make sure you clean it well. When you think you are done cleaning it, grab a beverage of choice sit down and look it over it is amazing what I miss... the triple se7en is fairly clean when it burns and is easy to clean. I use hot soapy water, 409 window cleaner, knight clean and finish with the a coat of oil. The only thing different I do is when I store it I will run a patch of oil down the barrel.
If this is a new gun clean it very well before you shoot it.The stuff they put in the bore at the factory can be a chore getting out.
everything posted thus far is good and worthy of taking note.
dont forget to grease the threads on the breech plug EVERYTIME.
the carbon build up could 'lock' it in place making it hell to take out. when replacing the plug dont crank it tight, only barely snug.
in fact anything that has threads, and needs cleaning, needs grease every time....
just a thought to consider
409 window cleaner

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Really? Interesting, does it leave any residue?
Go get a tube of anti-sieze compound from your local automotive supply store. Use that on the breech plug threads everytime you remove the plug. And don't over tighten the breech plug, just make it nice and snug, no need to torque the sucker down.

I shoot granular 777 out of my Omega and it is really a breeze to clean. I just use warm water to clean and then a little G96 to protect the metal. Also FWIW I get better accuracy with .451-.452 bullets vs. .429. I really like the Nosler Partition HG bullets, they give great penetration and expansion.
Something I found that works great for in between end of the season cleanings and at the range is I use the cheap medicated pads like teen agers use for pimples from wal mart. you can get a bottle of 100 for under 2.00 they are just the right size for your 50 cal.ML they leave no residue as they have mostly alcohol in them.
grab a beverage of choice

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Good advice Limb!

I use the Bore Butter on everything also. Especially in the nipple...those things seem to fill up with "crud" by next season.

Haven't used the 409 yet...great idea (almost as good as the beverage of choice)
I bought the new Savage ML II...straight high power powder for me which burns so much cleaner than the 777 or pyrodex!!

I used 409 cleaner last night to clean the muzzy up after dialing it in. All I can say is wow. It worked great. It took the crud off that builds up were the pellets sit at ignition better than anything else I'ver ever used. Worked great on the inside of the whole barrel also. Give it a try. It works!
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