Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Nonresident Landowner Changes?

If you still have trouble with swallowing that pill I would recommend a larger glass of water

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I understand both sides of the issue. If I was a resident, I wouldn't want no good slob hunters (you KNOW that's how residents feel about NR's)hunting my state and hunting MY bucks either. However, I do think there could be some middle ground here. I'm not talking about an over the counter tag. But if you look at the numbers per zone, If the tags were increased even a fraction, NR landowners (which I am not) could have a pretty good chance at drawing. At $424 for a tag, people aren't going to flood into your state. Besides, with a draw system (even a more liberal system) that couldn't happen.

To draw a bow tag in zone 5, it is looking more and more like you need 3 points to draw. Every 3 years you get to bowhunt in Iowa? If you look at the numbers, 1,500 people applied for something like 560 tags. Like I said, I can see it both ways. I think it comes down to residents wanting to secure the future of a great deer herd, but I also think it comes down to residents feeling as though these NR's are going to come in and 'steal' one of their bucks. I do think there is a little wiggle room in the number of tags the DNR issues though.
A $400 tag is nothing for someone willing to buy a $1,000,000 farm. If a NR landowner were guaranteed a anysex tag we would have a new gold rush.
I don't remember if I have ever posted on this subject or not. There are several members here that have posted in a very eloquent and convincing manor to keep the number of NR hunters as is. I agree. I'm not selfish, I don't think you are gonna kill my buck, hell, I don't even kill my buck. I don't think you are slobs, until proven otherwise. My take is this, if NR land owners want full rights then pony up what I pay the State every year in taxes. Not just property taxes, but sales tax, license plates, professional licenses, gas taxes, school tax, income tax, tobacco tax, ATV tax, boat tax and any other taxes I don't remember that I pay. You could say that when you are here hunting you are paying sales, tobacco and gas tax, probably motel tax too, but I'm paying year around. So I suppose I'm payin several thousand dollars for the privilage of living in Iowa. Wanna pay several thousand for the privilage of hunting in Iowa plus licenses and tags? Wanna throw earn a buck on top of that?

Another thing that bugs the crap outa me, I'm a registered voter in my State, not yours. Why should I have a say in how your State is governed if I can't vote for your elected officials, or why should you have a say in mine? Oh thats right, you'll hire a lobbiest to do your bidding. Thank goodness I can vote for the House and Senate members that support my view, and I theirs, and I pay the IBA to have a lobbiest to look out for what is in my grandchildrens best interests.

It is about the future, not the here and now. Total, instant, self gratification is for [censored]. If I never shoot a buck, its OK, because my grandkids, as the rules are now, will still have a chance.

I'm spent.

The 'Bonker
Bonker- You make some good points. I'm not trying to stir things up any more than it already is. Like I said, I can see both sides of things. I mentioned that a few more tags would atleast put the odds a little more in the NR's favor. Either way, I'm going to keep applying. Just thought I would throw my 2 cents in. Which is probably what it's worth.
It's good to see people passionate about deer & deer hunting! The following are my thoughts on this subject...
(1) Iowa ranks within the top 3 states in the U.S. with regard to harvest rate of B&C-sized bucks, which is the "bottomline" driving force behind the demand for land & hunting rights.
(2) Iowa is easily the most conservative state in the U.S. with regard to non-resident white-tailed deer hunting rights. Across the southern border in Missouri non-residents can buy a buck tag over the counter the same day they wish to hunt & there is no limit on tags. Across the eastern border in Illinois non-resident bowhunters have access to 20,000 buck tags. IL by the way, has distanced itself from IA in recent years with regard to the harvest of B&C bucks.
(3) The demand for deer hunting access in Iowa will very likely continue to increase.
(4) Most large tracts of prime whitetail habitat in Iowa will become unavailable - mostly due to resident hunter demand.

Given the above, my brother (who resides in Cedar Rapids) & I purchased a small farm in southern Iowa in 2004 & an adjacent small farm in 2005. My lifelong dream has always been owning my own land. Given my career choice, I NEVER thought I would ever have the financial means to accomplish this dream. Thanks to my brother, (& a lot of hard work, extra jobs & penny pinching on my part) we have been able to realize this dream.

Now, I spend every possible minute of vacation time in Iowa at our small farms doing everything possible to turn these properties in whitetail havens. All the while having the time of my life while getting the much needed opportunity to spend invaluable time with my father & brothers.

I haven't complained about what I perceive to be an imbalance & an injustice on this thread previously, but each year as neighboring states liberalize their own non-resident regulations, it becomes a harder & harder pill to swallow. Is it too much to ask for the ability to hunt a deer of your choice on your own land???

Finally, although my full-time job is with King Ranch, they are in no way involved with anything I am doing in my home state of Iowa. The only high fence on King Ranch surrounds a county airport to keep deer off the runway. King Ranch's pricing scale is very similar to other private, south TX ranches. And, the day after I retire, I'm moving back to Iowa! If private lands deer biologist jobs were available in Iowa, I would already live there!

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Hmmmm...word is that you and the king ranch have about 7000 acres leased in union county in which you run that program. Guess you do run a biologist/outfitting program in IA and not just your poor little land that you and your bro own.

Now don't come on here acting like you just want your poor american dream of owning a little land when you would actually like to turn it into a 1,000,000 acre private ranch for you and all those other texans. Now I understand a man's passions and then trying to make money doing it but please spare the poor me crap.
Bonker- You make some good points. I'm not trying to stir things up any more than it already is. Like I said, I can see both sides of things. I mentioned that a few more tags would atleast put the odds a little more in the NR's favor. Either way, I'm going to keep applying. Just thought I would throw my 2 cents in. Which is probably what it's worth.

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Putting the odds in favor of the NR to draw a tag is what encourages NR's to lease and buy our land. If a NR's odds of drawing a tag in Iowa were once every 5-10 years they would steer clear of Iowa and buy and lease land in Kansas, Missouri, Illinois or other states with liberal quantities of NR tags. I have a couple questions for you Buckcrack. What makes you want to come hunt Iowa when you live in a state that has millions more acres of deer habitat? I know that Michigan can and does produce many monster bucks every year. If you just want to go on a hunting trip for trophy deer why don't you try to draw/buy a tag in Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, or Wisconsin?
NR's are buying anyway! Just look at www.buyillinoisland.com, they have Iowa land listed at 2.5K per acre. I've said this before, IA residents can thank the Kisky's, Drury's,etc, for the unwanted publicity. With or without a liberal NR tag allocation Iowa land will be purchased.
If a NR's odds of drawing a tag in Iowa were once every 5-10 years they would steer clear of Iowa and buy and lease land in Kansas, Missouri, Illinois or other states with liberal quantities of NR tags.

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Hey now, don't be sending them down this direction. All of our land has already been leased out. Sadly, I'm not joking.
Well maybe not all of it, but enough to have a major impact on resident hunters and our future hunters.
this post is crazy its starting to sound like iowaoutdoors.com...... there is no point to argue about this.... the law is plain and simple and i am a non re landowner and i do not support one bit of whats going on..... my buddies that still live in iowa hunt my land even though i get to hunt it every 3 to 4 yrs and i could care less and thats fine with me but what i dont agree with is people saying that rich people are taking over the state when it comes to leasing or buying up land.... lets face it thats not totally true bcs to be totally honest if i wanted to buy half the state i would im tired of that i own 300 acres and i could own whatever i want but i bought what i need i dont care if i own 300 or 30000 it doesnt matter get over it its the law and it needs to stay that way...... if it came to a vote i would support resident no matter what..... non re need to get over it..... iowa is a deer hunters heavan so why screw it up with a million hunters.....
Sorry Kansasdeerslayer,
I wasn't trying to send them your way. Just pointing out the other states that have DNR director's that have gotten addicted to NR tag revenues. I do understand what you are going thru and can sympathize. If I were you I would be trying to organize a group of sportsman together and would be lobbying to get the director canned. Then I would push for decreased NR tags and legislation to stop Kansas's tags from being transferrable to NR. What has happen to Kansas deer hunting is really sad. Kansas is on a slippery slope and will be just like Illinois in another 5-10 years if you guys don't get a handle on it. I hope that we as Iowan's can prevent this virus from plagueing our state. Kansasdeerslayer, if it gets too bad down there (overrun with NR's/outfitter's) your always welcome to move Iowa we'd love to have ya! But I do have to tell you that we are loosing ground fast and may not be much better than Kansas in a few years. All resident hunters reguardless of the state you live in need to realize the importance of this issue. Irreguardless of what you hunt this issue will affect your ability/opportunity to access land and the species you desire. If we don't fight for the average hunter our great heritage will be lost.
To all NR reading this thread...

If you share the feelings I have about Iowa's non-resident deer hunting regulations being too conservative. And you wish to do something about it, please send me an e-mail with your contact info. I am in the process of putting together a mailing list of non-residents to see if collectively we can start to make a change.

My contact info is...

Mickey W. Hellickson, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 5861
Kingsville, TX 78364-5861
e-mail: mhellickson@stx.rr.com

It is time that the Iowa Bowhunters Association had some opposition at the legislature. With your help we can make our voices heard.


Mickey W. Hellickson
To all NR reading this thread...

If you desire to hunt the state of Iowa and want to have a decent chance at shooting a good buck without paying...

Prices for hunts offered by King Ranch are as follows:

White-tailed deer
Hunt #1
(3 days)
up to a 150 Boone & Crockett Gross Score $5,500.00 flat fee

151 - 170 B&C, $5,500 plus $200.00 per point above the 150 B&C gross score

171 - 180 B&C, $5,500 plus $250.00 per point above the 150 B&C gross score

181 - 199 B&C, $15,000

200+ B&C, $20,000

Hunt #2
(2 days)
$3,250.00 Management Buck - 8 points or less

Hunt #3
(1 day)
$1,250.00 Cull Buck

Then I WOULDN'T contact Mickey W. Hellickson, Ph.D. (Cheif Wildlife Biologist for King Ranch)to help lobby for increased tags because these large hunting operations lease/buy every acre of land they can and run high dollar hunts irregardless of who gets pushed out. So with increased NR tags your chances drawing a tag may go up a little but the chance of shooting a quality deer or finding a place to hunt actually go way down. That is unless you can afford the type of price the King Ranch charges. If you can't afford those prices your only option will be to hunt the few acres of public ground we have and you will be sitting in a tree right next to every resident hunter that was displace by the leasing/buying of the private land. You decide for yourself.
It is time that the Iowa Bowhunters Association had some opposition at the legislature. With your help we can make our voices heard.

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There's been plenty of opposition over the years Mickey. Especially on these issues.

This is just serious motivation for me to work harder at recruiting more members. I've sent more than a few people to the IBA strictly on this subject. Even some that aren't bowhunters.

BTW all of the non IBA members reading this thread....it's only $20.00, yes that's $20.00 a year for membership dues. Tell'em Mike sent ya!
As a NR Hunter, I encourage all NR's to think long and hard what direction Orions motives will take the quality of hunting for IA. I assure you it will not be pretty for those who don't want to fork over 5K for a 5 day hunt.

Right now all you have to do is apply, get drawn, buy your tag, and drive to your destination (in my case usually state land) and you should have your oppurtunity at a mature deer if you are a prepared hunter.

Support the IBA, it is in your best interests if you wnat to preserve a quality DIY oppurtunity that exist in IA today. Now if you are a Bill Gates type, well, maybe you dont care.
Chris Dornack
Proud IBA Member
QDM, I know you meant no harm and I was just having a little fun with ya. Kansas, by the way, is moving back in the right direction. The legislature have been the ones making all of the ridiculous changes in the hunting statutes. The KBA and other groups have been working hard for the residents and last month we helped the KDWP regain the ability to make regulations without interference from Topeka. Guess what, this is the last year for transferable tags and there were some other good changes made.
Next year we will be back to the draw system. We still need to get under control the large number of NR tags available, but last year, some units didn't even sell out.

Thanks for the offer to move up to Iowa. I would love nothing more than to return to my native land, but that dream is still at least 10 years away, due to a shared custody arrangement for my son. I shall return for good someday to my homeland...I hope it isn't destroyed by the greed of others.

Keep fighting the good fight my friends.
It is time that the Iowa Bowhunters Association had some opposition at the legislature. With your help we can make our voices heard.

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How is it possible for a man from Tx. to know who the IBA is. When we have bowhunters in Ia. that don't.

Thank you Mick for the compliment.
That will be my only comment on the subject.

I believe the IBA is still looking for a few more dedicated men & women who happen to disagree with our friends from Texas.
To all NR reading this thread...

I am in the process of putting together a mailing list of non-residents to see if collectively we can.......

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...Ruin deer hunting in Iowa.
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