I don't remember if I have ever posted on this subject or not. There are several members here that have posted in a very eloquent and convincing manor to keep the number of NR hunters as is. I agree. I'm not selfish, I don't think you are gonna kill my buck, hell, I don't even kill my buck. I don't think you are slobs, until proven otherwise. My take is this, if NR land owners want full rights then pony up what I pay the State every year in taxes. Not just property taxes, but sales tax, license plates, professional licenses, gas taxes, school tax, income tax, tobacco tax, ATV tax, boat tax and any other taxes I don't remember that I pay. You could say that when you are here hunting you are paying sales, tobacco and gas tax, probably motel tax too, but I'm paying year around. So I suppose I'm payin several thousand dollars for the privilage of living in Iowa. Wanna pay several thousand for the privilage of hunting in Iowa plus licenses and tags? Wanna throw earn a buck on top of that?
Another thing that bugs the crap outa me, I'm a registered voter in my State, not yours. Why should I have a say in how your State is governed if I can't vote for your elected officials, or why should you have a say in mine? Oh thats right, you'll hire a lobbiest to do your bidding. Thank goodness I can vote for the House and Senate members that support my view, and I theirs, and I pay the IBA to have a lobbiest to look out for what is in my grandchildrens best interests.
It is about the future, not the here and now. Total, instant, self gratification is for [censored]. If I never shoot a buck, its OK, because my grandkids, as the rules are now, will still have a chance.
I'm spent.
The 'Bonker