I'm waiting for someone to respond to Hardwood's point regarding NR archery doe tags. When I purchased my Iowa land the NR landowner doe tag was available and as all of you pointed out it was revoked. Where was our resident friends fighting for the "current rules are why Iowa is great" when NR landowners lost a privilege? The temptation tag assertion is a joke. I've been coming to Iowa for over a decade and have seen some crazy things during all the hunting seasons. A NR landowner with an archery doe tag is the least of the DNR's problems.
I firmly believe that any NR who purchased land in Iowa knowing the regs about NR ownership / tag allocation has nothing to complain about and asking for law changes after the fact seems very selfish.
That being said, I do understand where Hardwood11 and other NR landowners are upset about the law change that prevents them from hunting does yearly, a privledge that they had when they purchased it. I can understand where they are coming from and I would be upset too if I owned land in another state and the law changed preventing me from hunting it as often. As for the NR youth tags, I would be a proponent of more NR youth tags and doing away with the governer tags to celebrities, however, that is a law that was law when the land was purchased so there is not as much weight to argue that point.
Long and short, if it was law when the land was purchased then I can understand the desire to have it changed but not a demand to do so. If it changed after the land was purchased (yealy doe tags) I can totally understand why a NR landowner it upset. Right or worng, I would be upset as well. I think that mnost of us would agree that we would be upset at that rule change if we were in the NR landowner's shoes on the doe tag issue.
Guaranteed buck tags for NR landowners, that is a completely different issue, as is the party hunting loophole!![]()
Regarding the "temptation tag" situation...there were several well documented cases where the DNR caught people doing exactly this. True, I am sure many law abiding people did not succumb to the "temptation", but some did, apparently enough to warrant a change. You can call it a joke if you want, but there were actual cases where that was in play.
No disrespect at all Daver, I always enjoy your posts, and I generally agree with you 95% of the time. But if we "end" hunting for everyone because a few poach a deer, turkey or keep too many fish, we are all in trouble.
Minnesota had a recent article about gross overlimits of fish, and the majority of all incidents were NR... several documented cases. Does MN then not allow NR from fishing its state? Should MN follow Iowa's lead?
No offense taken HW, I was really only intending
As far as what Minnesota chooses to do...I am fine with whatever they come up with, it's their state and their natural resources. I freely admit though that had I purchased a cabin on a lake in MN a few years back and then the regs changed I may have some feelings about that. So I do understand the frustration a NR landowner in Iowa would have if a key reg is changed after they purchased here.) End quote....
Obviously MN is not going to discourage NR from fishing in MN, and I would not want that. The resorts/restaurants/gas stations would go broke. I do benefit in my business slightly from NR fishing our lakes nearby.
Nope, no easy answer to this situation, but in my case NR youth tags would help, that may not help JDubs or some others?