Active Member
Scratch that idea. I wouldn't want to be the cause of a new law to ban photography.
I would be all for a ban on eating and drinking while driving a vehicle. Did anybody take drivers ed? And on what day did they teach you how to steer with your knees while performing other acts? Laws need to be enacted when common sense no longer exists. Hell; i wish every vehicle sold was a manual shift. Maybe that would get rid of some of the morons behind the wheel. If one person dies on our hyways because it's our God given right to text; we need to rethink what our rights to protect really are! Again; when did it become so damn important to contact another person while operating a motor vehicle!I understand the counterpoints guys but where does it end? Would anyone think it would be out of line to ban eating and drinking (legal beverages) in a vehicle? Seems likely that would be one of the next things offered up.
Where have we gone so wrong that we can't govern ourselves with common sense but instead we need laws to regulate and restrict every single thing we do in our lives? I'm almost wondering when they're going to tell me how long I can take a piss.
We have become a society that fully expects to be regulated in our everyday lives. It's the new normal. Each new law like this restricts the individual and their need to think for themselves and increases the power of the government and it's dominance. And the sad thing is, we the people, are doing this to ourselves through our elected officials. Somehow, I just don't think this is what the founding fathers had in mind when they developed the system of checks and balances.
Anybody ever heard the phrase..."whatever happened to common sense in this country"? Maybe even said it yourself? Common sense becomes a rare commodity when we legislate ourselves to death like this. I think there becomes a sort of philosophy that if it's not illegal, then it must be ok. No need for common sense when you have an all knowing government to make all the decisions and let you know what is acceptable by way of laws. The ultimate reliance on government, giving up the brain.
I will now retake my place in the radical minority.
We already have a law called reckless driving.
If one person dies on our hyways because it's our God given right to text; we need to rethink what our rights to protect really are!
That's worse than talking on a cell phone any day but you don't see them calling for a ban on make-up application.![]()
I didnt real all the replies because I'm driving but...How can they prove you are texting and driving? If you were smart you would shut your phone off. Put it in your pocket. What are they gonna do, get you out of the car, pat you down, get your phone, and start looking through it to find evidence!?!?
I guess what I was getting at in the previous post is to put your self in that situation what if it was your wife, child, mother, father, etc that was killed by some one that was texting while driving down the highway at 70mph instead of doing what they were supposed to be doing, driving. Would you want that person to be responsible for their actions
Maybe if I used the flash on my phone's camera at just the right time, it would blind their camera? :grin:
If one person dies on our hyways because it's our God given right to text; we need to rethink what our rights to protect really are! Again; when did it become so damn important to contact another person while operating a motor vehicle!
Ever hear of bluetooth? Mike Rowe can hook you up in a Ford!To all that are for this bill, I'm assuming you are also for banning the making and receiving of calls too? If I use my phone's keypad to dial xxx-xxx-xxxx + the send button, how is that different from texting? If a person causes an accident while making a call it's ok under this bill. Are you guys who are onboard with this thing OK with that?
Now, we also need to address Ipods do we not? Certainly anyone against texting couldn't condone navigating through song lists and other associated menus on a similar electronic device while driving.
As mentioned, GPS units have been allowed but this should not be the case. I own a Garmin and it's user interface is MUCH more difficult to get through than is a familiar phone keypad. Now ideally, a person would input info before they start a trip but we can't guarantee that right? Sometimes a guy needs to make changes on the fly. So they need to be banned also in order to stay consistent.