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Off topic, maybe controversial but a lot of fun & excitement!!!!

All hope is lost for America if we are at the point where we can't even fathom being around someone who might have a different opinion than our own. I miss the days where people had some common sense and realized the truth always lies somewhere in the middle. It is sad to think that in the United States we can no longer have civil discourse and seek common good for the whole. Too many institutions have spent way too much money sowing division and distrust to where we reached the point where we are turning our backs on things that used to set this country apart. I really can't wait for deer season....
Fair comment as always...
Is this meant at one side or both sides?
On the left... I’ve seen this from recent times to 20 years ago or more....
  • Cancel, boycott, fire & silence views the left disagrees with, gets offended by, Etc
  • Destroy those you disagree with politically- even if it’s full on lies, millions of examples, here’s 2: Brett Kavanaugh. Trump’s Russian collusion
  • Riot, loot & destroy when u find a reason. Sorry but these are not right wingers destroying small businesses. Antifa/BLM gone wild.
  • A movement defined by hatred and obsession of a president before he could be sworn in. Not even to end of 4th term. Day one: safe spaces, media hysteria, daily outrage from hollywood & Libs In general. It’s insane whacko land!!!
  • Left’s “go-to tactics”..... tiring, old & predictable... can’t go a day without them calling the right racists, nazis, homophones, bigots, etc etc.
I agree with u we should be decent on both sides & kind. I have many friends to that are “far left” (clearly they are ill but still love them ;) ). I think most of the “average citizens” actually are decent to eachother. The complete “over the top” lunacy & crossing the line into chaos, violence, take downs, etc IMO - comes more from the left than right, by far.

Agree with general sentiment for everyone & appreciate u posting from other point of view in a place where it clearly swings right. All views welcome.
I drove thru 5 states last week and saw a total of 3 Biden signs, 3 thats it. Plus one horse trailer that said Dump Trump but that was it. But the number of Trump signs, billboards, flags, and some very giant flags was too many to count.
I drove thru Ohio in 2016 which was a hot battle ground state and there was trump signs all over or so i thought, 2020 the number of signs is ten fold of what was there in 2016.
I live in a very liberal town for SE Iowa and trump signs outnumber the biden signs here as well. November cant get here soon enough
Had quite a few Biden signs pop up around me here. Way more and from people I would never expect it from. One thing that I did notice though is a high number of places with every democratic nominee sign except Biden. Not sure if they're just too ashamed to put it up, couldn't get one, or maybe they're voting dem except for President.
If you guys want a good laugh play along with one of those DNC cold callers for awhile. My coworkers and i did it the other day. Told them we would donate 500 bucks. She had to get her 'boss' on the line. Kept trying to run our fake credit card number for 5 minutes. Finally the 2 of them figured it out and called us a-holes. I think they put my cell on the no call list after that.

Good times.
Not a good debate for either side. Home team needed to win that big and it didn't happen. What a shit show.

Trump would do well to get some debate lessons from Candice Owens. He can destroy Biden on the issues, but needs to do a 10x better job on the delivery.

My 2c.
Not a good debate for either side. Home team needed to win that big and it didn't happen. What a shit show.

Trump would do well to get some debate lessons from Candice Owens. He can destroy Biden on the issues, but needs to do a 10x better job on the delivery.

My 2c.
Agreed. Total embarrassment of a debate. I’ve always thought that with Trump you have to plug your ears and just focus on what he’s accomplished. Unfortunately a debate is obviously all talking, and while he’ll get my vote he’s hard to listen to without cringing. Candice is fantastic.
Funny this is my co workers Father, Ol Fred cracks me up. Just an old Turtle Farmer from SE Iowa that no lives in Oklahoma firing up the left for some laughs.

Small world. I know Fred a little too. I have been to the "turtle compound" there north of Keo many times as I sell/give my furs away to his son. Fred is a hoot...he used to always wear a homemade turtle hat that was a riot. :)
I drove thru 5 states last week and saw a total of 3 Biden signs, 3 thats it. Plus one horse trailer that said Dump Trump but that was it. But the number of Trump signs, billboards, flags, and some very giant flags was too many to count.
I drove thru Ohio in 2016 which was a hot battle ground state and there was trump signs all over or so i thought, 2020 the number of signs is ten fold of what was there in 2016.
I live in a very liberal town for SE Iowa and trump signs outnumber the biden signs here as well. November cant get here soon enough

FWIW, I traveled up and back to the Hayward, WI, area last week and the Trump signs outnumbered the Biden signs by roughly 3 to1 by my count.
That was a painful debate. The strategy should have been let Biden talk, stumble/gaffe. Instead Trump interrupted him too much. Change the strategy next time! Biden appears to be on something, as he looks and speaks different in debates than he does on his short podcasts.
I was really looking forward to the debate, but was let down. Trump did not do well. I think his strategy from the get go was to attack Biden and interrupt him and try to get under his skin to get him flustered and start stumbling etc. It didn't work, Biden held strong. Trump did himself no favors be continuously interrupting both Biden and the moderator and bringing up tops/questions that had nothing to do with the segment. Hopefully he can tone it back and keep on point in the next two debates, not that I think its going to sway many people.
I saw it differently. Wallace set the tone early by letting Biden make his points and trying to shut Trump down. Trump felt like a coon in a corner, 2 against 1, with only one option....fight your way out.

For anyone blind to the truth, there was no clear winner. There was however, a big loser. Wallace.
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