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Off topic, Morell Mushroom License



Hey i heard last weekend that the Iowa DNR was going to make you have a License for hunting Mushrooms. Is there any truth to this? Some old timer was telling me while i was at the local sporting goods store.
I don't know this for sure but I always thought you have to have a regular hunting license to hunt morells. Man we need to put this subject off for a few more months. I can't wait for those morells!
If the DNR makes you buy a licence for Morells then you might as well put me in the poacher category right now!
I heard they were going to have a quota per county and only give out so many licenses. They are trying to get the population back up the local dnr said they are goin on a decrease every year. bunch of bologna if you ask me.....
Yep nob, I heard the same. I also heard we'll only be allowed to pick one over 4". Anything over that will recieve a fine tallied per inch of shroom.
I forgot all about that and the 83rd and the 52nd counties both get to use traps as well as weapons. It is is suppose to be in the new regulation booklet at your local wal-mart if not please contact your local dnr.
There will be unlimited licenses issued for greys only in Zone 6 during the early season.

Splitty, be careful, the fine for a record book yellow scoring over three inches is steep!
Yeah, now we can start to lose leased land to mushroom hunting too, and I usually find atleast 4 P&Y yellows a week! Good Stuff!
Well guys, I just got off the phone with the local dnr officer, and he stated that they are going to allow more non-residents to come to our state and pick our mushrooms. By doing this he thinks it will help control the population. This in turn will raise more money, which will allow for the state to buy more public land....that way it will ensure all of us that we will always have a place to hunt.
It makes sense to me...what do all of you think
Maybe they will start QMMA (Quality Morell Managment Asso.) so we can all pick big old mushrooms. Land prices will double.
Finally! Something to provide relief the insurance companies and all the claims they pay for mushroom vehicle collisions.
Hey Limb, snow snakes may only be taken with a muzzleloader but they can be run with dogs. I have a good dog if your interested. You can also get a late season straight tongued snow snake license for $11.
What happenend to the limited draw split tongue snow snake season they were talking about having we have a ton of those around here... probably getting too much pressure from the mushroom hunters who are worried about limited access and increased NR pressure which will only create snow snake sanctuaries.
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