One didn't make it


New Member
Saw this one dumped along the road.
That makes my blood hit the boiling point!

Someone didn't get the proper up bringing, and I would like to personally kick the parents A$$!
Unless my eyes deceive me...that ain't no doe! Makes me madder then a hornet!!
I hope I never catch one these guys...cause I'm likely to end up in jail!!!
This is rampant around my place and it just drives me mad. I let those bucks walk...then some idiot poacher leaves a headless carcass behind!!!
Scenes like that really tick me off. I found a dead buck at my place last weekend too - head still intact. Not sure if he was shot and ran or he potentially could have been a car victim as he was about 150 yards from the road. He was a 130 class 5X5 with a couple of stickers starting to sprout - would have been a dandy in a year or 2.
How do you know that buck wasn't hit by a vehicle? Laying in the ditch would make me think it was hit. Why would somebody poach one,take it somewhere,cut off the head then dump the body? I would think they would cut it off on the spot.
I wasn't very clear- I don't think it was "dumped" there, it was hit (dumped) but it was a buck that someone had cut off the head. So- one didn't make it- no matter how it died.
May be just the time of year or else the numbers are really down but I haven't been seeing as many roadkill the last couple weeks.
I guess to me...this one clearly looks like it got hit by an auto...If indeed it was right by the road. But one thing I don't understand is why one wouldn't get a salvage tag and take the whole deer in this case and do what you like with the head. For anyone to get a road kill tag here in MN, all you have to do is contact anyone(small town cop, highway patrol, sheriff, CO) who has the authority to issue a road kill tag...and it's yours.