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Otter photos


Life Member
Think this is reason for tough fishing in my brothers pond.
Sorry about image quality, shot early morning @1600 ISO

I don't know if the season is still open for otter. I knew that there was only 400 in the state that was going to be taken. I have already gotten my two. You might want to check with the DNR and see if you can get rid of them still...Its all worth a try.
Very neat animals....just destroy a catfish pond though. Otter season is closed but you may be able to get damage control (DNR) out there to remove them.
I had the good fortune one morning to watch 3 otters play and swim around for the better part of 2 hours. I wish I had brought my camera!
I know one otter can do a lot of damage...I can't imagine a whole "herd" of em

Cool pic Randy!
....shot early morning @1600 ISO....

[/ QUOTE ]

Now that there is fast. Not as grainey as I would have expected, but I suppose that is the difference between film and digital. I remember when Tri X was the fastest film and it was black and white.

Neat picture.

The 'Bonker
Great pics, they are kinda like muskrats, fun to watch but really destructive to a pond. Neat critters none the less.
those are nice photos but otters are absolutely devistating to fish. I am origanlly from southeast mo, and we have an open otter season, with no limit. Otters were all but gone until the missouri game and fish re-introduced them in 96. After that, our fish populations went down, dramtically. I was a very avid trapper, and got many calls from fish farmers, farmers with just pleasure fishing ponds, and people just seeing them in a river or creek running through their property to catch all of the otters. They are more of a nusiance than anything now. One fish hatchery reported having 15,000 dollars worth of damages done by otters. So for your fishing sake, try to get the DNR to give you a permit to remove the animals.
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