Well said Iowa1, I think I understand all sides as well. A sad fact of hunting life. I too started very young with a BB gun.
This is sure to fire things up. I know several farmers and they are friends. What gets me sometimes is how much money farmers are given...yes given..by the state or federal government. Buffer strips, CRP, crop payments etc. We all know that's my and your tax money, but some are sure quick to not let anyone hunt.
The federal government bends over backwards for farmers...but screw the downtown businesses when Walmart comes knocking.
This is sure to fire things up. I know several farmers and they are friends. What gets me sometimes is how much money farmers are given...yes given..by the state or federal government. Buffer strips, CRP, crop payments etc. We all know that's my and your tax money, but some are sure quick to not let anyone hunt.
The federal government bends over backwards for farmers...but screw the downtown businesses when Walmart comes knocking.