I take it for what it is and tip my hat to those who took a chance and "made" it.
Now "made'" it to each of us is different and maybe "making" it is paying the bills, hunting all the time, being on TV, etc. To me, making it is being able to hunt two days a week, with baby coming maybe 2x/year
, providing for my family and investing in our future. Now, thats me. To "JOhn Doe" that may be getting on the Outdoor Channel, having sponsors etc. Thats what makes our country great and its ok as long as integrity and honesty don't get lost.
I know the amount of time, $, stress, and business attributes that these guys put in. Its a great deal.
Saying that, being away from family and having the stress of needing to take quality deer is what pushes "some" to do less than ethical things, and once someone loses their integrity, it is hard to reclaim. That is what my father taught me.
I buy the videos and watch those as I honestly don't have time to watch TV.
They are entertaining and some I don't like and just don't watch.
But guys, EVERYTHING has a price, and most of these individuals pay for it in stress, looking at it as a business rather than a hobby, financial concerns, and a boat loads of other things that to me, and again, just me, would make what I fell in love with something I may grow to despise.
One should never envy a man without also wanting to accept ALL his responsibilties."
Dean koontz book...never forgot that line.