Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Over Marketed World

It's to a point that they need to realize they are losing viewers and won't be able to negotiate as big of deals because their entire shows are freaking advertisements. These shows are on the verge of infomercials. They need more balance.

I would agree with this to a certian extent. Not all shows are as bad as others, and I hate cheesy ads....

BUT, thats the beauty of being an American and having a free market. I wouldn't change a thing about having the right to pursue what we want....
I don't have a single problem with it. It is the way of our economy capitalism rocks! if these guys can make a living doing what they love more power to them. Not one of you could tell me if you had the chance to hunt for a living and have a tv show that you wouldnt try to make as much money as you possibly could by slapping your john hancock on everything. I always remember these people didnt luck their way into riches, ground and a hunting career they had to bust their ass for years and take a lot of gambles hoping they would pay off.
Also manufacturers wouldn't use them if it didn't work

You forgot sell your soul to the devil
BUT, thats the beauty of being an American and having a free market. I wouldn't change a thing about having the right to pursue what we want....

No doubt the system will weed out the ones who are really bad at this because no one will watch the shows. It takes money to pay for cameras, computers, editors, cameramen - and unless these guys are will to lose thousands making a TV show as a hobby - we aren't going to get a show without advertisements. I have no complaints, if a show has too many commercials it's an easy fix - turn off the TV or change the channel.
I take it for what it is and tip my hat to those who took a chance and "made" it.

Now "made'" it to each of us is different and maybe "making" it is paying the bills, hunting all the time, being on TV, etc. To me, making it is being able to hunt two days a week, with baby coming maybe 2x/year :), providing for my family and investing in our future. Now, thats me. To "JOhn Doe" that may be getting on the Outdoor Channel, having sponsors etc. Thats what makes our country great and its ok as long as integrity and honesty don't get lost.

I know the amount of time, $, stress, and business attributes that these guys put in. Its a great deal.

Saying that, being away from family and having the stress of needing to take quality deer is what pushes "some" to do less than ethical things, and once someone loses their integrity, it is hard to reclaim. That is what my father taught me.

I buy the videos and watch those as I honestly don't have time to watch TV.
They are entertaining and some I don't like and just don't watch.

But guys, EVERYTHING has a price, and most of these individuals pay for it in stress, looking at it as a business rather than a hobby, financial concerns, and a boat loads of other things that to me, and again, just me, would make what I fell in love with something I may grow to despise.

One should never envy a man without also wanting to accept ALL his responsibilties."

Dean koontz book...never forgot that line. :)
In my eyes, there are A LOT worse ways for a guy to make a living than pimping a few hunting products. Some of the commercials are actually kinda funny the first time. Being of sound mind I am not falling for the "Screaming hen", "Deer View Mirror", or the "Acorn Cruncher", but if they can trick some sorry SOB out of $19.95 then more power to them. If I want to watch a hunting show I DVR it so I can fast forward through the commercials if I feel the need to. Sometimes I can watch a whole show in under 15 minutes! :D
. Not one of you could tell me if you had the chance to hunt for a living and have a tv show that you wouldnt try to make as much money as you possibly could by slapping your john hancock on everything.

Not me. I love to hunt and I would hate to jeopardize my enjoyment of it by making it my job.


Ohhh Tommy. I will give you that one.

You did put a lot of smileys on that one though. :moon:

I think you and others know my character and know that I wouldn't.

I do agree with you on the free market and people being able to pursue that dream whatever it may be.

I sometimes wonder though if all this commercialization is the beginning to the end of Iowa deer hunting as we used to know it.
Yes we will always have it but to what extent and at what cost.

Some who are commercializing it here in Iowa are the same people writing the legislators telling them not to let NR in? :confused:
Interesting thread...I guess I made a distinction when I began producing DVDs & television, book, etc.. I felt hunting shows/videos were about entertainment, and sponsorship pays the freight just like general TV, movies and music, and I really did not have a problem with that.

I felt the educational (land and wildlife management) portion of the marketplace would be better served without sponsorships and paid endorsements. By doing so I would be free to pass along real world experience to a segment of the market that wanted to hear what works without regard to being beholden to sponsors.

I have no regrets about not attempting to "wring the last nickel" from my efforts, and based upon the outcome (and feedback) over the years since, I know my choice was appreciated by folks interested in the educational side of the outdoor industry.

I may be the first and last to do what I've done on the scale it reached, but I hope not.
Not one of you could tell me if you had the chance to hunt for a living and have a tv show that you wouldnt try to make as much money as you possibly could by slapping your john hancock on everything.

I'm sure this will leave some with doubt but oh well, I'll say that without a doubt I am far more comfortable with who I am currently in regards to what I do for a living, my perception within the community and my approach to what hunting is to me than what they would all be if I were to embrace the very scenario you described. If you think that I have never been approached by anyone in regards to this very scenario you're wrong. Some people are just happy to be family focused individuals with an extreme love for hunting as a hobby.
ahh yes everyone knows that anyone who has success has to be dishonest, and have a deal with the devil damn you corporate america...give me a break.

I do not think Gunny was saying anyone that is successful has to be dishonest.
You stated: "Not one of you could tell me if you had the chance to hunt for a living and have a tv show that you wouldnt try to make as much money as you possibly could by slapping your john hancock on everything."
I hope the items you endorsed were something you really believed in?
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ahh yes everyone knows that anyone who has success has to be dishonest, and have a deal with the devil damn you corporate america...give me a break.

I love corporate america and I love money. Its green, has a great smell, and makes the world turn.

I've been down that road and had a blast doing it. Met a lot of great people and did some cool stuff. Id rather balance my family/work/hobbies and kill big deer than sell you something that I know is a POS.

Its kinda like if I sold you a z7
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I don't really care for the Classic or hunting shows too much anymore. I agree, way to many ads, and most of them aren't reaslistic and just a bunch of junk. I can't stand going to the classic and seeing all the stuff people try to sell and I hate how theres always a line of people waiting to meet and get autographs from Lee and Tiffany, anyone who has that much land can take a big deer every year, why do want their autograph.
That said I'll probably still go to the classic, I enjoy going to the shed contest and looking at the Iowa Wall of Fame and watching the archery shoots.
I don't really care for the Classic or hunting shows too much anymore. I agree, way to many ads, and most of them aren't reaslistic and just a bunch of junk. I can't stand going to the classic and seeing all the stuff people try to sell and I hate how theres always a line of people waiting to meet and get autographs from Lee and Tiffany, anyone who has that much land can take a big deer every year, why do want their autograph.
That said I'll probably still go to the classic, I enjoy going to the shed contest and looking at the Iowa Wall of Fame and watching the archery shoots.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..................... Holy mother of all contradictions! BEST post yet by far :way: Keep em comin guys!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..................... Holy mother of all contradictions! BEST post yet by far :way: Keep em comin guys!

Guess I don't really see the contradiction......... He isn't going to the Classic to stand in line for an autograph as far as I can tell......... I don't see your point.
i go to the classic for the turkey jerky and ham and swiss sticks from the lockers
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