
They got the shaft but a rule is a rule. If there is a scrum the ball goes to the offense. They shouldn't have left it in the refs hands to begin with.
Dont like either team bad calls both ways all game and all season every game for that fact.

I did beleive myself that a "tie ball" double possesion catch goes to the offensive reciever as well did not hear the announcers say anything about it. But if thats the case it may have been the right call even though Jennings had control right away did he maintain solitary possesion? we will never know

Pack got screwed. Gates pushed the defender while the ball was in the air. A tie goes to the offense if the ball is caught by both players at the same time. The defender had the ball and possession on the ground with Gates having a piece of the ball, the video was clear.
Whole game was officiated poorly for both sides. GB had a call extend their TD drive eariler and then got screwed a few times in the 4th. NFL better give the refs whatever they want as this is bad for the whole league.
I like these new refs, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard while watching NFL football games.

Kidding aside, man oh man the Pack needs to figure something out QUICK.
jkratz5 said:
Whole game was officiated poorly for both sides. GB had a call extend their TD drive eariler and then got screwed a few times in the 4th. NFL better give the refs whatever they want as this is bad for the whole league.

Yep, everybody forgets the phantom pi call on 3rd down that extended the Packers only TD drive. The refs suck but don't blame them for the ineptitude of the vaunted GB offense
Bad calls all weekend San Fran got 5 timeouts against the Vikes...but it didn't cost them the game
Whole game was officiated poorly for both sides. GB had a call extend their TD drive eariler and then got screwed a few times in the 4th. NFL better give the refs whatever they want as this is bad for the whole league.

No, what the NFL should have done is had some guys properly trained and then working the mini-camps, OTA's, etc. to prepare for the season.

The old refs don't deserve what they are asking for! It is a part time job and the lowest paid ref last year made 144k (working only 16 days)!!! Now, they want full time benefits and retirement on top of their other jobs. Also, they don't want any ramifications if they do a bad job. The NFL wants to be able to "bench" bad refs and have some replacements available if they aren't doing a good job.

No question, this is on the NFL for not having the replacements ready and also not being able to get a deal done.

Not a Packers fan, but that was B.S.! Golden Tate never possessed the ball at the same time therefore, it is not "simultaneous possession". He clearly does not have the ball at the start of the play one arm/hand does not count as possession. It was not a bang-bang play where they both went up face-to-face and possessed the ball. It was never against Tate's chest he was reaching through the defender to even touch the ball.