Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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I spent 2 hours and 45 minutes with a 150 inch + buck bedded down 35 yards away and didn't get a shot at him. If he would have taken two steps to the left or the right, I could have nailed him, but he walked straight away. The only shooter I saw all season. This sucks.
I could sure think of worse ways to spend a couple hours!

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I spent 2 hours and 45 minutes with a 150 inch + buck bedded down 35 yards away and didn't get a shot at him. If he would have taken two steps to the left or the right, I could have nailed him, but he walked straight away. The only shooter I saw all season. This sucks.

[/ QUOTE ] I had the same thing last night. I had a 160" 9 point standing 25 yards away and all he needed to do was take 3-4 steps and I would have had a great shot, but he wouldn't do it. I was frustrated at the time but now as I look at it man what an encounter! Keep you head up!
I'am with you Kelcher.I called in a 150+ buck that was 350 yds away and with 2 other bucks to have him back door me into 8 yds only needing him to take several steps to my left but went to the right.Everything else in shooting range has been dinks or yearling does.
I share your pain!

I had a large 8 point under me for over an hour about a week ago. I thought I was going to stroke out! He was with a hot doe and kept chasing other deer off. I figured eventually I'd get a shot since he wasn't leaving the doe that moved and bedded within 40 yards of me. The only time he was in the clear, he was on the run after another deer. It was an awesome experience that I will never forget.

Had a large ten do about the same thing yesterday. Again, locked down with a doe in a thicket. He ran off a small 5 point, but wasn't going to leave the side of the doe. I think he is going to be getting more of my effort in the next two weeks , hoping he comes off lock down.

The best might be yet to come...
i saw a 140 and a 150 one day and the next a 140, 170, and a 150... all different deer... out of the same stand
no shot at any of them...
i feel your pain
I'll tell ya what, I'm in pain today. tried a dawn too dusk yesterday. had a 120ish 10 pt. stop broadside, quartering
away slightly and at a ranged 20 yards. bow sitting in the holder cause i'm standing for a butt stretch. I'm thinking, he's a little small, but geez, perfect shot. as i'm wishin' he had more inches and thinking about maybe slowly picking my bow up, he looks away and watches the girls he's been herdin' all morning. now the debate is on, SHOOT! NO! TOO SMALL! SHOOT! NO TOO SMALL! Ended up lettin' him walk.
Who'd a thought that sittin' in a treestand was so much work, neck hurts from constant glassing, hips are killing me, shoulders are on fire, and now i'm thinkin' i should of took that shot.
I spent 2 hours and 45 minutes with a 150 inch + buck bedded down 35 yards away and didn't get a shot at him. If he would have taken two steps to the left or the right, I could have nailed him, but he walked straight away. The only shooter I saw all season. This sucks.

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You could live in MN and have spent 16 hours in a treestand last weekend during gun season and the peak of the rut and not see a single deer like I did. You want to talk about suck? That SUCKED.
Your season is over? Keep your head up, and keep at it.

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We have all been there and I seem to have been there more than most. Your time is coming and things are starting to heat up for the final run for hot does by the big boys.
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