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Pale coyote-trail cam pics added


New Member
This is a picture of a female yote I shot last week. She is about the palest color phase I have seen around here. When I first saw her a long ways off in the woods I thought for a second she was a fox. I am going to get the hide tanned to hang in the house. Now if I can go the other way and shoot a black one that is getting done life-size.
Re: Pale coyote

WOW! She has a ton of red to her.
I can see how a person would think fox at first.

Re: Pale coyote

Yeah, I shot her right at sunrise so everything looked redish as the sun reflected off the snow, I first spotted her as she was standing still, as soon as she started moving I could tell it was a yote.
Re: Pale coyote

Is it possiple yotes and fox breed because that looks like fox/yote mix. dont know much about either dont hunt them
Re: Pale coyote

Hey Rowdy, I don't think it is possible for fox-coyote hybrids. I know there can be coyote-dog hybrids or coydogs as most people call em, and even they are more rare than people think. Mainly because both coyote parents take part in raising the litter. If a dog was to breed with a yote, he probably wouldn't help raise the litter and a single mom would have a hard time. Especially since there is no coyote welfare system. If a female dog bred to a yote and someone fed the dog then they might have a better chance. But as far as foxes I would think a yote would just as soon eat a fox as breed with it. There may even be a chromosomal difference that is to severe for viable fertilization. Maybe someone else has some more input on this subject.
Re: Pale coyote

Very nice song dog. My son's first yote would have been a perfect mate for yours. He got it several years ago with a .22 when he was young. Foxes and yotes can't cross with each other. But as with several other animals there are different color phases. Congrats on a fine trophy.
Re: Pale coyote


Interesting looking yote, looks like it might have some domestic dog in it. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif


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Re: Pale coyote

That is awesome, have never seen one like that before. Not to hijack the thread but what would an estimated taxidermy fee be for a full mount on something like this: fox, coyote, bobcat etc..?
Re: Pale coyote

Archer, I got a fox in at the taxidermist right now, gonna be about $350. He does yotes for about the same price. May regret not getting a full body mount of this yote, but I have the fox and four deer to pay for yet so I will have to wait. The funny thing is that most deer forms range in price from $30 to $60 and the fox form I picked out was almost $100. For a little chunk of foam. I will post pics when I get that back.
Re: Pale coyote

Huntcrazy, sounds like your taxidermist is going to be busy. I am excited to see the fox when it is done. Thanks for the info on this one.
Re: Pale coyote

Thats an awesome looking yote. Do you guys ever see any blacks ones up there? My dad and his hunting group down in southern MO kill about one a year. They are definitly different looking.

Again, congrats on the good lookin yote.
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