I hunt one farm thar is 180 acres bordered on three sides by private property and one side by my family 90 acres. My uncle owns the 180 and I have sole hunting rights. Now for the kicker. I also have nonexclusive permission for all the property that borders the 180. Pressure.....there are 7 people hunting the fenceline bordering the 180... NOW THATS PRESSURE. In the 180, I have a 150 min rule or VERY MATURE DEER. In the past three years 9 bucks from 145-198 have been shot on said fencelines. Including a 3 1/3 yr old 191" non typ. this year and a 3 1/2 yr. old 165" last year. Potential for massive results just gets erases. I have 19 stands up inside 180, and there are 9 fence pushers stands within 15 yards of property fence. Very disheartening to climb into a stand only to have some a-ho come stumbeling in an hour later....Yep, I feel your pain-----but it can and will get worse. Try to get along and coordinate hunting scheduals.....that's the only way for you to enjoy YOUR HUNT. Find out who they are,when they are going in and hunt only when they are not there. YOUR QUALITY of hunt will be much better. Cameras really slow up the trespass encroachment and may keep your spot clean and undisturbed. Good luck.
this app is awesome IW