But do you think that the farmers and land owners will be selling the land they own and farm to these people??
I think 5-8% of IA is timbered. Tillable ground is a whole different animal. Most of the tillable for example is above highway 80 and is just vast fields NO deer hunter will ever buy. So, vast majority of tillable, this issue will have no bearing on. But, when you get to southern IA, eastern IA, NE IA, etc- that land is timbered, lots of farmers could care less and if the price was right, they'd sell. Lots of these folks that own land are 70-85 years old too, each day a large # of farmers are passing away- many times the land being sold. Absolutely the land will come to market.
Whatever your opinion is on this matter- now is a GREAT time to buy land. Rec prices went down during economy, interest rates are at all time lows and this "storm" of low prices and low interest rates will not last. If economy picks back up (when it does) rec prices will go up with it & if inflation hits or interest rates go up- we could be seeing 1980's interest rates in the teens. now is a SUPER time to buy!!! All you who are on the fence, you'll be kicking yourself 5 years from now - looking back to 2011 when you could have bought land for say $1,800/acre in southern IA with 5.5% interest and all of the sudden it's $3,100 acre and 8.5% interest- you'll look back and kick yourself. YOU'VE OFFICIALLY BEEN WARNED!!! :grin: