Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Picture of the only way Ozonics works

While that may be funny, it won't be as funny as the look on any of your faces when a doe busts you on a hunt and snorts, and snorts, and snorts. That my friends will be priceless!

Also, thanks for the continued exposure on Iowawhitetail. You guys are helping sell a boat load of these things for us, and before long you'll be hearing a whole new generation of believers who have actually tried one! Cheers guys, good luck and be safe out there this year!

Your Iowa Ozonic's Connection!

If your not gettin blown in a tree, your not a real man....
While that may be funny, it won't be as funny as the look on any of your faces when a doe busts you on a hunt and snorts, and snorts, and snorts. That my friends will be priceless!

Also, thanks for the continued exposure on Iowawhitetail. You guys are helping sell a boat load of these things for us, and before long you'll be hearing a whole new generation of believers who have actually tried one! Cheers guys, good luck and be safe out there this year!

Your Iowa Ozonic's Connection!

But your right. I will now buy my ozonics so I never get smelled again. I mean, were deer hunting for crying out loud here, we must cover the scent and keep the does from smelling us. What will we ever do if we are hunting and a deer smells us!!!!??????!!!!!
Now set that thing up on a mature deer and I'll look for a time frame longer than I needed to see that the deer pictured really isn't any longer than that dudes bow.
So I'm not yet convinced of anything.

Young bucks don't count. I was one once, I know how dumb theyare.
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We have video footage of several 5-1/2 and 6-1/2 year old deer smelling Ozonic's and their reactions in the video I've posted several times. It doesn't matter to me if you don't believe it, people who try them will know.

One of my favorite examples of Ozonic's working on a 4-1/2 year old buck I call Barry Sanders, is when he's standing 15 yards from our ground blind after I called him in with a couple grunts. He stands straight down-wind sniffing the air for 2 minutes, while looking directly at the blind. He then continues walking past the blind, offering multiple shots. Wanders away, comes back through one of my lanes a second time, and then walks away.

Where do you hunt that 4-1/2 year old bucks act this way when they get down-wind of you?
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Some of them, yes we do. If you would like to see them, watch our webshow. Every guy on the team uses them brother! And some of them have killed some real slobs BECAUSE of Ozonic's.

PS, I love these threads. Keep em going!
Well heck, send me one and I will try it out this year! If it doesn't work I will send it back free of charge and pay the mailing fee too or heck drop it off myself. If it does, then I will buy that one and one more for a buddy to try!

But heck, who will believe me? I guess I would need to get someone to come video my hunt as well....anyone want to voulenteer to do that for me? I dodnt think so..

Hey, to each his own I guess. Good luck and play the wind!
Me too...........send me one, I'll try, even give a good review for you and the gang brother, if it works.

I'm serious...I'll send it back too, but I'm not buying,... there are more important things to spend 300 bucks on than killing a slob.
Every guy on the team uses them brother! And some of them have killed some real slobs BECAUSE of Ozonic's.
So Todd...if I had a "team" and we all had paisley camo and some hunters killed some slob bucks, it would then be BECAUSE of the paisley camo??
Saskguy, I already sent you a free DVD years ago, and look where that got me....

Nothing we use kills big bucks, it just helps solves problems, and make our hunts easier (if that's the right word)? I built the Wicked Saw to do the same thing, solve the problem of crap saws. It's the same reason I use Lone Wolf Treestands, Ozonic's, Predator Camo, and so on.... It isn't for the $$$, just because they make my life easier; and my life is hunting...
I didn't realize the free dvd was to "get you anything"...

What was it designed "to get you"?

If my memory is correct it was an attempt to get a Sask guy on board with your group?????
"In American"

Is that a language I am unfamiliar with Todd?

and don't even pretend that you never got a thanks for your first dvd however many yrs ago that was.
WKP - Todd said:
In American we usually say "Thank you" when people give you something.

Good grief, give it a rest Todd. We get it, you love Ozonics. At this point I doubt you are swaying anyones opinion on here. Just let it go man. Go do your thing, watching you fall hook line and sinker everytime someone makes a poke at Ozonics is getting old.
Taking that "American" jab at saskguy who is one of the most repected guys on here is pretty classy too. He has added more to this site than you ever will and hunts the right way.

I guess I should have never posted this, just wanted to get some guys laughing before the long bowhunting season starts.
I don't get why a thread bashing ozonics always turns into a thread bashing Todd....doesn't make sense to me. The guy is obviously passionate about the system and if it works for HIM (not you, him) then who's to tell him any differently? It's an interesting idea and product to say the least. I doubt I'll ever use one due mainly to the cost and I'm not really wanting to add anything else to the load I already carry to the stand with me. But regardless of whether you or I USE it or even regardless of whether you or I use it and get results....what difference does it make that Todd uses it and likes it? And Todd has said himself that he's not into it for the money, but even if he is, what difference does it make. I just think it's pretty crappy of everyone to jump on a fellow hunter about using a product that he believes in. I think we got better things to worry about.
Although I do not know Todd personally to say to him to give it a rest is a little silly since there are guys on here that continually post pictures and start threads mocking him, the way he hunts and what he believes in.

I dont have any idea if Ozonics works but I do believe that Todd is 100% convinced it does so why is that a problem? If you dont like him or the products he uses then block his posts, its that simple. :way:
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