

New Member
I was recently on the tecamonte website and got to looking at those plotmasters that are pulled behind a fourwheeler. They sure seem pretty nifty and the way to go since they can disk, plow, plant, pack, and a bunch of other stuff. I think that it would really save me a lot of hassle b/c then i wouldn't have to go and borrow my buddies tractor and disk to break the ground if i had a plotmaster. I was wondering if any of you have one for a fourwheeler or a tractor and how they work? Also what kind of a price range are we talking about on one? I sure think that it would be better for planting my foodplot than using a broadcast spreader, also i was thinking that maybe if i got one i could get some people around me that have out of the way foodplots to pay me to come and put them in for them, who knows though. Thanks for any info. provided.