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Popcans, the 8.5 year old is back

A sweet story none the less but still unsure, none the less hope you get a chance to throw an arrow at him...
How have I missed this thread all this time, great post, awsome history with a deer, very impressive indeed.. I think it looks like him, maybe could be one of his offspring from 5 years ago??? Its very hard to tell, I don't think many (or any of us for that matter) have much experience with judging if its the same deer at 9.5 years, my mind says can't be, but gut says yes... keep this thread rolling!:way:
The G3 looks very similiar but id have to say its not him, the facial features look different and the new deer to me looks younger. Popcans would be 9-10yrs old and you would be able to tell it, that new buck just doesn't appear that old to me. However im 50/50 on if its him or not, hopefully for your sake it isn't because that deer could BLOW into something HUGE next year. If its not him at least you know Popcan's did some breeding becuase there definately similiar genetics!
Tough call Chris, but under the right conditions there is no reason a wild whitetail can't live to 11-12 years of age. His left side is side screams its Popcans, but do you have any views of him from years past that show his brows?? Brows don't lie, they almost always maintain the same characteristics. If you got any pix of him from previous years, Id like to see them.

As much access to food that he has right now, it is very possible that he would look so healthy, even at an old age. I'd say there is a damn good chance that is him, but kill him and do a little DNA test and find out for sure!

Good Stuff Chris
I don't know man. It could definitely be him but I would be looking through all my pictures to find something on his body to distinguish him - maybe a scar, throat patch, anything that might help build evidence one way or the other.
They seem very similar to me, considering the right side is the one you found with the bone on the shed. And this deer does look very old. I think there is a great chance it is him. Cool story anyway.
At first glance I didn't think it was him, but after studying him some more I think it might be. Sexcellent post and I have always wondered the same, do bucks that shed with deep pedicals ever have altered antler growth the next year. I would be interested to hear if anyone has any experience with this. I have found sheds that looked like the bucks brain might have fallen out based on the depth of his pedical.

Again, great post and fantastic history!:way:
Sureshot1---You have one of the best stories & history I have read. Thanks for sharing and hope you get more pics to reveal if it is him or not. I will be keeping a close eye on this link. Congrats and thanks again.
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