Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Pounds Per Acre

For Imperial Whitetail Clover they say 8lbs/acre and for BioLogic's Clover Plus it is 9lbs/acre
I am in the same boat as Pharmer....I live on the edge and spread till it's gone
I am in the same boat as Pharmer....I live on the edge and spread till it's gone

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Sure hope their talking about seed Ghost!

I'm pretty sure clover is like fun..no such thing as too much!!

Hey...your not thinking about planting a little "clover honey hole" in an open spot from your TSI...are you?

and don't forget the inoculate Ghost (if it's not already coated) you can mix it with the seed or put it on with each fish...
How about this, if I catch a bunch of fish and feed them only clover seeds for several days, then by rights I would just have to bury the fish, right? Wait, aren't you supposed to broadcast clover?
Is there such a thing as over seeding?

I'm from the school of "More is Better"!

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Ghost...here's a picture of a clover plot that I seeded pretty heavy maybe 7-8 years ago. The pic is in early fall, you can see it's not as green as in the spring. I didn't mow it or anything which would have helped, so it got a little rank maybe?
There is only about an acre and I bought some regular no brand ladino clover...like 10#'s maybe and a small bag (4#'s) of Imperial Clover from Whitetail Inst.....so that's putting er on thick! I didn't soil test or anything, just put on some bagged 6-24-24. I planted it in late July the year before this picture was taken. Anyway, the stuff went great guns and was plenty thick and heavy.
I suspect yours will get "mowed" without any help from you!

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