Someone attending these meetings needs to point out some facts to these misguided people. There is already, and has been for several years, a REDUCED DEER HARVEST. The harvest has gone down by nearly 50% from 211,000 in 2005 to only 126,000 in 2010. How much more reduced can it be and still sell any hunting licenses? Next the newly proposed numbers of antler-less tags are still higher that the actual numbers of tags sold over the last few years in those effected counties. I believe the number I saw for Davis county was a drop from 3600 to 3000 tags and they didn't even sell that many last year, so how will this change actually effect the number of does killed? When we were harvesting 200,000 deer these groups were complaining about the damage the deer were doing to crops and cars but now that we are harvesting 120,000 deer they are still complaining and has any one's car insurance gone DOWN as a result of cutting the deer population by almost half and the deer accidents per million miles driven to about the 1990 level? Mine certainly has not! If the Farm Bureau members could not make a profit when corn was $2.80 because the deer were eating to much now that it is $7.50 it should more than make up for having about half of the amount of damage because the herd is down by almost half, and that extra corn has nearly tripled in price. Any way you cut it, even with increased production costs, they have to be making more money from exactly the same acres and bushels per acre must be up because their bushels lost per acre must be way down, because there are way fewer deer!
I can't attend the meeting but I urge any who are able to attend and certainly feel free to use any of the arguments that I have posted for several years now. Good Luck!
I can't attend the meeting but I urge any who are able to attend and certainly feel free to use any of the arguments that I have posted for several years now. Good Luck!