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Press Release from Farm Bureau & Gov. Town Meetings

Someone attending these meetings needs to point out some facts to these misguided people. There is already, and has been for several years, a REDUCED DEER HARVEST. The harvest has gone down by nearly 50% from 211,000 in 2005 to only 126,000 in 2010. How much more reduced can it be and still sell any hunting licenses? Next the newly proposed numbers of antler-less tags are still higher that the actual numbers of tags sold over the last few years in those effected counties. I believe the number I saw for Davis county was a drop from 3600 to 3000 tags and they didn't even sell that many last year, so how will this change actually effect the number of does killed? When we were harvesting 200,000 deer these groups were complaining about the damage the deer were doing to crops and cars but now that we are harvesting 120,000 deer they are still complaining and has any one's car insurance gone DOWN as a result of cutting the deer population by almost half and the deer accidents per million miles driven to about the 1990 level? Mine certainly has not! If the Farm Bureau members could not make a profit when corn was $2.80 because the deer were eating to much now that it is $7.50 it should more than make up for having about half of the amount of damage because the herd is down by almost half, and that extra corn has nearly tripled in price. Any way you cut it, even with increased production costs, they have to be making more money from exactly the same acres and bushels per acre must be up because their bushels lost per acre must be way down, because there are way fewer deer!
I can't attend the meeting but I urge any who are able to attend and certainly feel free to use any of the arguments that I have posted for several years now. Good Luck!
In the SE corner of the state the antlerless tags don't sell out and the reg's pretty much remain unchanged. Large amounts of land are controlled by hunter landowners that make the reg's a moot point. Some areas of course get shot out but large sanctuaries create an ever flowing well of whitetails to replenish depleted areas.

The value of well run, well managed properties remains high in this area, despite continuous ongoing efforts to offer any and all means of bringing deer numbers down.

In other areas of the state, such is not the case where smaller areas of timber allow deer numbers to be decimated...that much is true. Those living in such areas will want to contact the Governor and legislators but remember this is an agricultural state where our economy is largely dependent on the states farmers. Our Governor is cognizant of that fact and he is listening to a very very powerful voice which unfortunately is not that of the states sportsmen.

In the end...many of you can have an impact yourself by making good choices when it's time to pull the trigger this fall. Talking to other sportsman can help but a handful of hunters can also kill a lot of deer.

No easy answers but I promise you this....you will probably never change the point of view of the Farm Bureau and Insurance industry in this state. They however don't shoot deer....we do....;)
Deer damage to crops exist BUT is substantially exaggerated in many areas. Many folks don't realize they may have a RACOON problem for example- take it out on DEER. I've seen the worst crop damage in areas of massive deer numbers where they take out a 10 rows along the woods of a 100 acre field- those rows probably weren't going to produce 200 bushels in any case. Those areas are owned by giant landowners and will be uneffected by this anyways. The northern 2/3rd of state with small woodlots and 1,000 acre fields are having TINY amounts of crop damage vs harvest.

Now, what you folks have to remember... To INSURANCE companies, etc- this is LOW HANGING FRUIT..... This costs them very little (vs other issues) to make a huge stink even to save them a few million dollars in damages, etc (which over a whole state is ridiculously low). This is EASY for them, low cost and ALL about the $- they do not care ONE OUNCE about quality of hunting, hunting heritage, family time, PROPER deer management, etc. It's all a bottom line $ thing for them. If you gave them a shoulder to cry on and let them continue at ANY pace they wanted- they'd keep going and keep crying even if there were 2 deer left in the state. They would do away with every single one if they thought they could save $1,000 in damages.
Food for thought......the tags quota remains the same. FB points out that they are not selling out and/or getting filled, thus the point of harvesting more animals isn't being accomplished. The push to relax NR tag restricions immediately comes into play. Let in the NR's who would love to come and hunt to help "fix" the popluation problem.....just playing devils advocate here and not trying to start yet another arguement.
They should just follow in Wisconsin's foot-steps and give hunters unlimited number of either tags and see how long it takes to ruin the resource. Then we'll find out for-sure!
No easy answers but I promise you this....you will probably never change the point of view of the Farm Bureau and Insurance industry in this state. They however don't shoot deer....we do....;)

That is right. We are the ones that buy the tags, and we are the ones who shoot the deer. The Gov and FB can legislate all they want, if hunters only harvest what your area can truly handle then license numbers really don't matter.

As a group we have to realize that we are not going to win most of the battles against the big shots in Des Moines, but we are still in control of the field. Hunters need to stick together and educate other hunters about what is best for our hunting areas.

I agree we are the one's who dictate what and how many we shoot. But I'm also worried that if we don't shoot them. Then they will just find someone who will. I really don't know what to think. I've always shot only what I feel I need to on the farms I hunt and will continue to do so.
He was elected .Right!????

He was elected again into office!! Who elected him??? We got a whole lotta hunters in this state! A whole lotta bitchers!!!! Who put him there? Everybody's wives??? Big money is gonna win the deal everytime!! Unless you get every kinda hunter in this state unified!!!!! You wanna put his ass on the wayside? Make the fall of 2011 a non-hunting year! Don't buy a hunting tag of any kind! Give the state a year of no license fees!! I'll give up a year of no hunting to get rid of this ass!!:way: See if they like the loss!!!! It will take that to get it stopped!! Money!!! If they lose it, they will take notice!!
Unfortunate that it seems Republicans usually do not side with the Environment. Demo's usually do, but they also are the home of the Waco's like Peta..
Buying extra doe tags, not filling them, and then reporting you did will hurt more than help. Think about it. Press release from the governor's office, " Wow, we sold all those doe tags and they got filled and there are still the same numbers in our aerial surveys. Deer numbers must be higher than we thought. We will increase quotas next year."
Buying extra doe tags, not filling them, and then reporting you did will hurt more than help. Think about it. Press release from the governor's office, " Wow, we sold all those doe tags and they got filled and there are still the same numbers in our aerial surveys. Deer numbers must be higher than we thought. We will increase quotas next year."

How about buying them up and NOT saying you filled them?
There's only so many tags per county and that's it folks. You get 20-50 guys organized in a county that's ALREADY DECIMATED and you can make a big impact into trying to stabilize the population. As long as you're organized and buy your tags WAY BEFORE the night before doe season when all the "Wal-Mart Whackers" show up at Wal-mart the night before to buy their tags & bullets- you could really have most the tags bought up in some of these counties.
If no one buys or fills tags they will find someone that will.

Has anyone seen the DNR flying over and counting deer.... I haven't.

I believe they are just going by deer car collisions, bow hunter surives, and harvest reporting.

I never see anyone setting around counting deer or planes flying low over timber areas around me.
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Absolutely the tags will be sold UNLESS folks get organized and come up with a crafty plan-B which is very do-able. If they keep these stupid seasons in place where areas are decimated- I absolutely think you folks should get organized in your county and buy up the tags. If you don't the Wal-Mart Whackers will.

The far more desirable tactic is for everyone to get off their butts, get on their emails to everyone they know & get some noise made with YOUR VOICES to these clowns. There's still a chance to impact the regs from what I hear. I hear it's finalized in JULY. I'll post some more later on some impactful contact information later.
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