Sounds like a great place for non-residents to hunt then. Why so much pressure for Iowa?
My thoughts exactly
Sounds like a great place for non-residents to hunt then. Why so much pressure for Iowa?
Iowaqdm, I will challenge those stats any time.
Lets take a look at Jay Gregory's farm for sale at present. As a selling point the realtor states that 5 landowners lock up several thousand acres, to include Gregory's place. Who are those landowners? I don't know but I would bet residents.
Which one is worse guys?
A) Increasing tags for NR and them coming in and hunting public ground, possibly buying a farm, or getting permission to hunt on private ground
B) NR moving to Iowa to obtain the Resident tags (3) then buying up farms around them, and suddenly having 2000 to 3000 acres. This scenario has happened and will continue to happen.
Any real difference?
Which one is worse guys?
A) Increasing tags for NR and them coming in and hunting public ground, possibly buying a farm, or getting permission to hunt on private ground
B) NR moving to Iowa to obtain the Resident tags (3) then buying up farms around them, and suddenly having 2000 to 3000 acres. This scenario has happened and will continue to happen.
Any real difference?
Drury's crew is the absolute worst offender and none of you will ever call them out. Sure, Eric Bothun moved to NE Iowa finally so the governor would have to stop giving him tags, but he's hunting Forest Ryan's old farm that got bought up by big $$ NRs. all these big money guys like Lakosky's(Minnesota natives) and Drury's(Missouri natives) and Lindsey's(Georgia) are buying up the ground and "promoting" iowa. Quit blaming all of the average NR's. Hell, blame yourselves for letting them have all the GOVERNORS TAGS!!
I guess you could call me an "old dog". And you're 100% wrong in thinking i ever believed so called "rec ground" was worthless or would never excede $800 an acre. I've been in the hunting game my whole life. When i was in my teens growing up on the farm deer hunting was a passion, but very few people pursued it. My grandfather would constantly tell me this deer hunting is catching on, and soon you won't be able to get permission to hunt on half of these farms. In my twenties and thirties my father kept telling me i would see the day when you won't be able to deer hunt as passionately as we like unless you own your own land. I now own my own land; so i could sit back and say f@@k everybody else. But i don't see it that way. If you "Jdubs" and the rest of the nr landowners who think the laws should be changed for your advantage ever get your way; we will see the deer hunting we enjoy today slip back 30 years or more in a heart beat. I guess the advantage to many of us residents then will be you will be able to purchase that worthless ground for $800 an acre or less!Guys, here is my point. I will use my home state as an example. PA is not a hot whitetail destination like Iowa, but every stitch of land is owned, posted and access is tough because everyone wants a place to hunt. You have to own land or know someone who does to hunt. For those of you who don't own land in Iowa how does that change the game for you, you must gain access from a R or NR landowner, right? For those who argue the price of land will go up with more NR access, your right, but land is going to go up regardless. You will not buy land any cheaper in Iowa than it is at present. Figure out a way to buy.
I think a lot of old dogs in Iowa can't believe where rec ground is going. I recall my resident neighbor telling me "rec ground will never exceed $800 an acre, it's worthless ground." So many R's believed this as well, sat on their hands with the "if its not tillable its junk" mentality and watched the ship leave port. Today he realizes the hunting game has arrived in Iowa via your very own resident hunting celebs and laws/regs/land prices are changed forever.
2 yaers ago in southern iowa, land was 2500, 2700 3000 acre , u could nt find it, the farmers that were gonna sell sold and those that didnt , well they held on to their land, u cant just create sellers, many of the local farmers are just not motivated by the mighty diollar , that will never change. maybe just maybe when the 90 yr old farmer dies and the son or daughter sells it, that will happen regardless. what bothers me most as resident is that way everyone blames the nr landowner for the reason they dont own land, i got news for you, unless they are giving it away , i am never ownong land and i am guessing most people that bytch about it cant either. the days of running 20 guys through 10 farms on day 1 of the gun season are over. land has changed hands, lawsuits , legal issues, whatever, if you want to buy land, u can find it , cheap, good land in a good neighborhood , 1200 acre, whatever. if you cant afford land, and i cant, and never could, then shut up already and do something about it . every year all we read , nr nr nr nr nr landownerdid thsi to me,
they arer the reason i cant afford land, they are the reason my neighbor died and sold his farm from some guy from jersey - lets look for ways to get more state ground and to do that we need money and i say we take it from the nr 's
Please! You sure can tell you can't afford to buy land; so what makes you think your facts on land prices are correct. I don't see many posters blameing the nr for not owning land. The arguement is if we open our state up to the nr; we won't be able to buy land. And we have very few public hunting acres as you said. If you are one of the hundred's if not thousands of people who must obtain permission to hunt; you should be concerned also. But i'm guessing you're a relative or friend who still has an in to hunting ground someplace. Many don't think about it till they no longer have permission to hunt that special place. I'm guessing many don't worry about it either. You should. The day will come sooner than you think!2 yaers ago in southern iowa, land was 2500, 2700 3000 acre , u could nt find it, the farmers that were gonna sell sold and those that didnt , well they held on to their land, u cant just create sellers, many of the local farmers are just not motivated by the mighty diollar , that will never change. maybe just maybe when the 90 yr old farmer dies and the son or daughter sells it, that will happen regardless. what bothers me most as resident is that way everyone blames the nr landowner for the reason they dont own land, i got news for you, unless they are giving it away , i am never ownong land and i am guessing most people that bytch about it cant either. the days of running 20 guys through 10 farms on day 1 of the gun season are over. land has changed hands, lawsuits , legal issues, whatever, if you want to buy land, u can find it , cheap, good land in a good neighborhood , 1200 acre, whatever. if you cant afford land, and i cant, and never could, then shut up already and do something about it . every year all we read , nr nr nr nr nr landownerdid thsi to me,
they arer the reason i cant afford land, they are the reason my neighbor died and sold his farm from some guy from jersey - lets look for ways to get more state ground and to do that we need money and i say we take it from the nr 's
I know you weren't addressing me. I just want to let you know your thought process isn't shared by many people within the state of Iowa. And you are just as guilty of lumping alot of residents in one catagory; as you charge many residents of Iowa. Be happy you have your little piece of heaven in Iowa, and quit trying to persuade people into thinking your ideas of nr landownership should be adopted by all. It will never happen.Cedar, I wasn't addressing you, or anyone else, specifically by using the term "old dog". I have no clue how old you are.
I can feel the love though, from all the R's on the site.