I have & will take the gamble of trust on a $60 deal. Someday will I get ripped off, sure, i betcha I will. But, I'm not going to get my life into a tizzy over it or go through some huge process to sell something that's $60. $6,000, $60,000, $600,000 - ok, different. But, honestly, i've sold stuff to people here and sent em product when they said they sent a check. i could have got burnt, yep. I've also bought stuff here, sent payment and they easily could have not sent it. I mean, worrying about a little bit like that and making a big process of a small transaction just isn't worth worrying about to me.
Ok - now I'm pry the guy with a bullseye on me!

The guy that did this is a shame. This is crap and I feel for you. But, I think you have it in perspective, it's a $60 learning experience. It kinda is $60 worth of dissapointment thinking guys would do that, that's more of the bummer, realizing there's people with some darkness to their lives that causes them to do that. Pretty sad.