Round Up Qustion

Outdoor Family

New Member
Well, it looks like our family dream is happening. My wife and I are purchasing land in Lucas county. Kids are as happy as I have ever seen. We have very little "plotting" knowledge, so alot of reading and question will follow. The first question pertains to round up and cattle. There is a roughly 5+ arce area that is perfect for a plot. Before the decision on what to plant(any input is greatly appreciated)I'm wondering if I sprayed 10 feet from a seasonal creek, would there be any concern on down stream and cattle???

If it was me I wouldnt worry bout it to much. Your talking about a mist of roundup that you should apply carefully. You should get so a small amount of actual fluid in the stream that it wont affect anything.

If your worried about it spray the first 20yards from the creek towards the middle by hand very slowly and carefully.

Well, it looks like our family dream is happening.

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Congrats on your land purchase!

As pharmer noted, in this country erosion is a huge problem, so just don't get to close to the banks and for sure don't work the ground that close.

You can kill sod and frost seed into it and get away with much more then if you till it.

What are you hoping to plant? Give us a little more information on what your plans are and then everyone can better advise you.
I think we will be ok with erosion. The creek is lined with about 10 feet of trees on the plot side, so I should be spraying no closer that 5-10 feet of trees. Total to creek would be 20 feetish I guess(double of what I first thought). Would that be OK? What I was thinking was any effect Round Up would have on the creek and any effect cattle drinking from the creek. 20 feet OK????
As far as what to plant. We currently have NOTHING to start this endevor. The property took every fund we had. That being said, I was hoping to get a sprayer and Round Up this area and plant clover( any good recipe's?). I want something as close to year round as possible. There's a couple of other area's that I'm think of grain(corn and bean). What would be a good time to get the first spraying down. I was thinking of getting some mineral sites in and some soil samples in Feburay. Spray in March ???Can I add lime and spray a day apart???
Thanks again for all advice and direction..
In order for Roundup to work, the plant you want to kill must be actively growing and green. March would probably be a little early. Lime should be worked in if possible, if not, apply it any time.
In order for Roundup to work, the plant you want to kill must be actively growing and green.

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I can attest to this. Some say I am an expert.
In order for Roundup to work, the plant you want to kill must be actively growing and green.

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I can attest to this. Some say I am an expert.

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The key words were "WANT TO KILL" Rudd. Did you really "WANT" to kill your whole yard?
details details details Skully....I s'pose I was to read the instructions too? You ask for directions with the misses don't you?
Anyone ever spray fescue or brome at this time of year? I just read about it and they say with a warm up, this is actually a good time to kill fescue because it is putting everything into the roots if it is not dormant. Wandering if this would work with brome and if anybody has tried it.
I know the neighbors would think I'm crazy, but whats new.
Rodeo is the water friendly version of Round Up if you really want to make sure you do not do anything bad to the stream. Good Luck!
You ask for directions with the misses don't you?

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The property took every fund we had. That being said, I was hoping to get a sprayer and Round Up this area and plant clover( any good recipe's?).

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I hear ya! Owning land is an expensive endeavor but well worth it

Clover is an excellent foodplot to start with. If you could have sprayed last fall you could have frost seeded it this winter..but if you want to seed it this spring...

I would get some lime on it ASAP this winter...or plan on tilling it in at planting.

Spray it with Roundup after it starts greening up...give it a couple weeks and spray anything you missed...again!

It's pretty hard to do everything at once and i know that's what your hoping for...but you need to allow some time for the roundup to work before tilling it if at all possible.

Roundup isn't needs to be absorbed by actively growing plants...a week is best and 3 days is minimum IMO.

You'll have to till it (or have someone till it for you) to spring seed the clover.

You can soil test or plan on using 200-300# minimum of 6-24-24 fertilizer.

You can spray with Poast if grasses come back in the clover.

it's best if you can clip the weeds and clover itself periodically.

Few ideas that might guide you here:


Hiring help can be expensive, check with a local farmer or contact a Pheasants Forever Habitat team:

Pheasants Forever

Anyone ever spray fescue or brome at this time of year? I just read about it and they say with a warm up, this is actually a good time to kill fescue because it is putting everything into the roots if it is not dormant. Wandering if this would work with brome and if anybody has tried it.
I know the neighbors would think I'm crazy, but whats new.

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I find it hard to believe that one could kill either brome or fescue this time of year...but I have never tried it.

Give it a shot (or see if Rudd is available
)and let us kow if it works...I'm pretty sceptical on that one
I read a little about killing fescue this time of year on another site but I think they were 60 or 70 miles south of the Iowa border and still have cool season grasses that were growing.
Yep, I read it on the QDMA forum. Probably wont try it, if Dbltree is skeptical.

A wealth of information and experience with him, way more than any of the "professional agencies" I've spoken with.

Nope he didn't pay me to say that, but I might accept a couple hundred pounds of CIR swithgrass, for more positive feedback.

Man that stuff has gone up, like everything else.
Thanks for all the insight. Wife just pick up a sprayer from Cablea's bargin cave...HERE IT STARTS!!!!Another related question. For spraying round up(MAX). Can you use pond water??Wouldn't think it would be a problem, but very new to this..
Thanks again..
Most sprayers have an internal screen to filter out particles that would plug the nozzle. Still, I would not use pond water for fear it would plug the screen and/or nozzle and you really don't want to be trying to work on a half full sprayer.
What if he ran it through a mesh filter while filling his tank? My garden tractor has a strainer in the fill neck of the gas tank so I think he could get one from JD and rig up some sort of "prefliter".

The 'Bonker
Yeah, you could try to pre-filter it and if the pond is crystal clear to start with, you might be okay. R/U is supposedly not real toxic
and you should be wearing protective gear while spraying it. You will be dressed to mess with the sprayer if if plugs. Still, if you can haul in some water versus running the risk of a plug....
Can you use pond water??

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I think your asking for problems as already noted

Mine plugs up easy enough just from herbicide residuals.

I carry water in those large water coolers or 5 gallon buckets with lids. It won't take very much water with a hand sprayer.

I think my 2 1/2 gallon back sprayer will cover about an acre plus at a fast walk.

If you have no choice but to use pond water, I would use a cloth to sieve the junk out.
Well, The wife bought a 25 gallon boomless atv sprayer for over half off!!!! Without an atv, I think we might need to talk about another purchase. And since she can find the deals......
The properties only water is the pond, so I'm thinking of filtering it between two five gallon buckets a couple of times...
Hopefully in middle April..
Febuary is minerial sites and lime....Once again thanks and here it starts....