Looks really good! That's time and effort and the fruits of hard work, very nice!
Here's my last perspective, even on a "food plot scale". I'll kinda compare this to "why does a guy 2 hours from his farm want a Cellular Camera, could it save him some $?". Sometimes the answer is "YES!". Sometimes it's too complicated & other things to it where it's not a fit....
There's many parallels with herbicides and I'll just boil it down to MONEY & secondarily, TIME. As some of us have the time and enjoy it. Let's just talk COST..... I buy at my local coop that gives me competitive pricing. BUT, here's some pricing.....
I'll just rattle off some ballparks, just for fun, write & think & calculate as I type... Sorry it's a frigin mess, thinking out loud

Acuron is a PHENOMINAL one pass Corn herbicide, exceptional. 4 chemical actions that take care of "pretty much" any weed known to man. ONE PASS, DONE (except in rare cases that DO HAPPEN - which would also complicate things for a 2 or 3 pass program or hinder the ability to spray at all due to conditions).....
HERBICIDE COST PER ACRE .... from above - $45/gallon but 3 qts/acre so: $34/acre for herbicides. ONE SPRAY. Say you did yourself, call it $3/acre to spray (or factor in low of $6/application on coop if you spray a lot to a high of $10/acre coop for your small guy rate.... Just call it $10/acre so we can use the HIGH DOLLAR rip off price).... If you did Accuron with nothing else (which is doable).... $44/acre applied. Do it yourself.... $37 applied. You want to run 2 qts round-up at Burn down or a qt of Liberty or maybe 1 qt round-up with some 2,4-d for example, let's add $7/acre..... $53 coop applied, $44 self applied. $44 SELF APPLIED is pry the more realistic food plotter scenario. BUT - let's just discuss cost without adding Post emergents if you spray acuron....
CORN: Multiple pass version: You do post emergents &/or lighter with pre's.... Corn: You are gonna run a Pre or residual in there or you are ok with having weedy corn. GLY + some sort of residual or accomplice (2,4-D, S-Metolachlor, Mesotrione, Atrazine) but you only do one, to "bare bones it"...... Say, $25/acre with a middle ground choice on pre's & self applied bundled in for a BALLPARK.... BUT 2 sprayings, just say ..... $50. ACURON WAS $37, one spraying. (acuron more if you added post emergents or had to do a rescue/rare second spraying). *Corn is for sure a scenario where it's harder to spray, time is hard to juggle, you don't want to mash up crops like you can get away with on beans "more so". Corn is just simply a 1-2 pass system Pre's almost have to be some sort of the equation.
BEANS: ... You want to do it RIGHT & actually kill weeds and not have waterhemp, lambsquarter & pigweed towering over the top in August..... You are doing 3 sprays, no doubt in my mind. Let's enter any combo of..... 1-2 qts round-up per spraying, most guys running 2-3 in a lot of situations now. 32-40 oz of Liberty otherwise. Often all containing AMS or a water treatment. At $12/gallon on bulk Gly or $60/gallon on generic Liberty.... $6 on round-up or $15 on Liberty.... Let's just leave it at that with no additives, nothing else..... X3 & each time, just factor a $3/self applied cost (gas, equipment, wear and tear, maybe time factor, whatever)......
GLY: $9 ($6 2 qts and $3 self applied cost), Liberty (GLYPHOSINATE.. way better & worth it!!!!): $18 ($15/qt & $3/self applied).... X THREE.... GLY = $27, Liberty = $54. Ok, Liberty is double the cost. So worth it, IMO, it's just SMOKES Gly, IMO. But, sure, go for Gly..... YES, just on cost.... Gly would be $27. IF you spray 3 times and if you can keep your weeds controlled with 3 Gly sprayings. 30" rows, I still say it's not happening but ok (remember this post in August when you find GLY only fields with pigweed & waterhemp towering). 7.5-15" rows, maybe you do it in 3 sprays and sitting ok. Is it worth the time to spray 3 times? Maybe to some it is. On the surface, $27 for Gly or $54 for the more effective Liberty is a viable route, NO DOUBT!!!!!
PRE's IN BEANS (we are running Liberty Beans in the planting after we burn down)... w/post @ burndown: say we did $6/Gly burn with Prowl H2O & Fierce (made up example, what I use), so +$28 w/ self application let's say= $34/acre. Second spraying, Liberty + S-Metolachlor: $28 w/self application. DONE, CLEAN finished. Total: $62.
So, in beans, it could be as VAST as $27 on gly only VS $62 on a pre-program. Big difference. Not as much if guys go Liberty: $54 vs $62. Still, is it worth it for less sprayings to pay a little more $? MAYBE, maybe not. Is there value in rotating corn/beans with one having Liberty & other having Roundup resistance (say Volunteer corn reasons or ridding yourself of Gly resistant weeds)???? ABSOLUTELY to me. Breaking the Gly resistant cycle with 3-5 years of Liberty for now is worth a ton, to me. Less spraying and not looking at a field of WH, PW & LQ is also worth a fortune to me as well (even if it's all the work it saves later in food plot setting OR yield loss in food plots).
OK.... That ramble was far more than I thought I'd throw up thinking out loud, sorry.
All I'm saying: there's no right answer for everyone, doesn't exist. Run the #'s though, define what's important to you (could be you don't want to spray multiple times OR don't like getting round-up on yourself, WHATEVER. Maybe YOU could care less... WHATEVER). Pre's are NOT that complicated. Beans or corn, they aren't anymore IF you are willing to do a TINY bit of research. Just go to COOP "Hey JIM BOB, Gimme a killa Pre-combo for round deez parts dat-ill kill all dem weeds round here..... you will start off with a major jump start advantage and when life gets busy and it's bad timing for spray (rain, whatever) - you could be sitting a lot better. I'm for Pre's BUT Sure don't mean everyone else needs to be. Them Pre's beez for me though!

**Just realized you can now buy generic Liberty cheaper than I was thinking before. Man, Liberty is the bomb and way cheaper than I recalled after looking it up.