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S600 is a Great Homebrew For a Mineral Lick


Going through some more pictures again, It's amazing the difference between the flash of the P41 and the S600. The first picture was from the p41 and 2nd from the S600 from the same tree. The deer in the 2nd picture are a good 17 yards away.

a 600 with a SSS board (2 sec shutter, 1 hr refresh) is quite a bit faster on the 1st pic than my BG2/600, and will snap two flash pics before the BG2 resets from the 1st one.

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That's interesting info! I am amazed at the difference in the flash between the 600 and p-41.

My P-41's work great but the flash sure doesn't travel far.
I guess it's all what looks best to you. I sold off a couple 600's I had built becuase I think the flash is to strong. I was getting to many washed out pic's for me. All I'm running now is the p41's to my eye they look better.
There is no doubt the p41 takes pretty good pics, and definately better than most all the comercial models. To me the 600 pics are sharper, have better color, have higher resolution to zoom in on details, and are definately less grainy. The one problem with the 600's I have found is the flash is so bright that they tend to pick up alot of airborne dust. You can see some of that in Pete's second pic. I would guess that turning the flash down to the negative setting would probably relieve that though?
Oh yeah, and they fit into a 1040 w/o grinding. I hate grinding the case to fit the p41. Geez, you would think I had a bunch of 600's for sale.
Not to get into a pissing contest. When I was running both I could never tell the day time pictures apart but the night pictures were easy to tell apart.
I dont do any case grinding even with the smaller 1020 cases.
Hey, mounting them horizontal is cheating!
I'd agree there isnt alot of difference in the day pics.
How is that arrow pipe-thru working for you? I had a 2317 cut and ready to go for my last one but chickened out since I already had the U-bolts laying there. The python fit through the 2317, but it was pretty tight. Looks real slick.
TP the arrow works perfect.I use 2315's to get a little more room for the cable. 23/64 bradpoint bit and just press fit the arrow in no glue. Not had one leak yet.
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