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Scent Free Detergent

BTW - last time I looked at the AH detergent it said something about making your whites whiter or colors brighter - those are your UV brighteners that you should avoid for your camo/hunting clothing.
Most laundry detergent companies have a version that is "free and clear". That is free of perfumes and clear of dyes. I assume that they mean UV brightners when they speak of dyes, I'm not aware of other dyes. I have a jug of the Arm and Hammer version of this laundry soap at home. Until I'm told otherwise, I will assum that this is no different than Sport Wash and any other "hunting clothes soap". If there are marketers of these products please jump in here and correct me. Otherwise I will continue to save the pennies. On a related note I priced a scent free bar of soap at a large sporting goods store. I also priced (then bought) a scent free bar of soap at Wal Mart in the soap isle. The first bar was $5. The second was $1. I can't smell any difference. Throw out all the testimonials you want, I need proof that there is really any difference in these products.

Sorry just a little pet peeve of mine.
Howdy Danno~ I'm a Newbee here and this is my first post.
I have to agree with you on this one. I use Arm&Hammer also. IMO, The rest are overrated and overpriced.

A couple of years ago I was doing the same thing. After looking into this a little further, I found the even though they say free of dyes and perfumes they still contain UV brighteners. For example, I use All Free Clear for all my non-hunting clothes. The label says free of all dyes and perfumes. If you read the ingredients (small print) it still contains a brightening agent. That is what I want to avoid, therefore, I do not use it for anything I might be wearing on stand. The fact that is scent free is good for your other laundry so it doesn't stink up your washer and dryer. Stick with HS, Sport-wash or if your inclined to save a little money just plain old baking soda for your camo.
UV Killer by Atsko.

As a side note, Walmart sells Sport-Wash in a large 34 oz. bottle that lasts awhile as you only use a capful for each washer load. I think I last paid like $5-6 for it.
I think that UV stuff is a scam. Go into the woods and look up. What do you see? Lot's of bright sky mixed with dark streaks. Start wearing a camo designed with this in-mind, and you'll be farther ahead than worrying about UV brightness. Intrusion by Gray Wolf and Predator are two of the best IMO....
I don't believe in the whole UV part of it. If it was true, none of would ever kill a deer
OK, so you don't believe the UV stuff and you like paying extra for the UV brighteners so you can look purdy out in the woods? Just kidding, I couldn't resist.

I use the Sport-Wash since I was already using it on my ski and rain wear. If you wait til the end of the season Walmart always marks it down with the hunting stuff. It turns out to be cheaper per load than the large jug of All. Something like $0.17 per load versus $0.47.
Re: Scent Free Detergent--A Research Project

OK boys, I believe that this whole UV thing is a researchable topic. Here's the deal. A UV brightner, if effective should cause your clothes to flouresce under a UV light such as a black light. One location where such lights are available I am told is your local Gentlemen's Club. Now, here's what you need to do. Dress in your full camo and sit directly under the UV light. This should be near the tip rail. Take note of the degree of flourescence of your camo. You must now leave, go home, wash your clothes in a UV brightner and return. Again note the degree of florescence of the camo. Then immediately report to this board. OK, who's willing to "take one for the team"? Cyclone Hunter is not eligible.
Re: Scent Free Detergent--A Research Project

Hey Danno, what's Cyclone hunters Cell #? I wanted to see if he wanted to go to the Lumberyard in full camo tonight
Re: Scent Free Detergent--A Research Project

If you're clothes don't glow from the UV brightners they will at least glitter - especially if you're sitting front row
Re: Scent Free Detergent--A Research Project

Suppose we could turn this into a scent loc/blocker test too? Shower at home with your favorite scent free soap, change in the parking lot as if hunting, sit up front, large tips guaranteed exposure ..... return home slide in bed with the wife. Kind of reminds me of an old Lynyrd Skynyrd song:

Ooh, ooh that smell
Can't you smell that smell?
Ooh, ooh that smell
Your wife's going to kill you....

I of course have never been to one of these establishments but I think I would showering again upon returning home.
He left his GPS at home. I'm going to check and see if it has the coordinates to that establishment.
Hey, you were looking for a cover scent right?
Good article on how deer see. What we need to know is the efficacy of UV Brightners and UV Killers.
Ask a Grunt who has played games at night with NV. I have. It makes a difference. I believe very much in keeping the UV brighteners out of my hunting clothing and can say that I saw a very big change in the number of deer sighting I experienced eleven years ago when I committed to taking this as a serious concern. Scent free and UV free, I keep watching the grocery shelves for something that has both but have not seen any as of yet. Sports Wash is very cheap by the way. A one ounce cap full does a whole load. Many of the new Outdoor hunting detergents are not nearly as economical. I did not read all of the above post because of time; this is just my humble opinion. NOW everybody shut up and get UV free!

By the way I did use the UV Killer back in the begining. I am not sure as to their effectiveness. But I firmly believe you should desire to keep the brighteners out of your hunting laundry.
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