SF 2002 Using purple marks for boundry lines/tresspassing

SF 2002 Should purple marks be allowed for boundy/no treesspass signage?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Undecided

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It has been brought to my attention, in a round about way, by the sponsor of the bill that I was incorrect in my opinion about posting land. After I was more or less taken to the woodshed for my post, my link and my opinion I re-researched my research and realized that the link I had posted was from Iowa Code 2001. Even the Iowa Code 2017 was published before the bill was passed so here is a link to what the Governor actually signed and is inforce today:


Please draw your own conclusions after reading what was signed and/or consult someone who knows a lot more than I do and that would be just about anybody.

Either way nice job following this stuff. This can be boring and tedious to follow so thanks.
I might have read right over it, but is one "notice" at say a field drive, the only notice required for the entire property?

Idk if something changed recently in MO but I've noticed a lot more purple paint on my last trip down a few weeks ago. Doesn't look attractive by any means
Passed the Senate today. Amended for distance between purple marks and height on posts. There was also a change that reads to me like owners on both sides of the fence need to agree with using the paint? It's one of those things that I just don't know what the language actually means.