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Shed Buck Competition!! Get em!

180Class I do not think you know what your talking about. Why shoot a big buck with no rack?
Again, you're missing my point. I never once said someone should INTENTIONALLY shoot a buck with no rack. All I said was that it happens. It's not the end of the world. Why does it matter what season that buck was shot? He's still dead regardless. Big bucks don't just die in the January antlerless season. They've been getting killed for the past 4 months. Why all the fuss when one dies this month?

controll population you shoot does as well.
Believe it or not, not ALL deer hunters are as obsessed as everyone on this site. The majority of the hunters out there, aren't thinking about population control. The father/son combos sitting out there on buckets just enjoy hunting. If they shoot a big buck with a high scoring rack....great! If they shoot that same buck without his rack....great! In the end they got what they were out there for and that was just to hunt, have a good time and shoot a deer!

Most people like to shoot an anterlered buck for a sense of self accomplishment and use the antlers for memorbilia on board mounts head mounts or skull mounts. What are you going to keep off a shed buck to prove you killed one of the most elusive creatures in the woods.
Why do I need to PROVE anything to anyone? This last part you posted just goes to prove that the only people truely upset with this season are the trophy hunters. It all boils down to someone possibly shooting the buck you've been after all season! I love big antlers too! I pass up numerous young bucks throughout the season hoping that I get a shot at one of the big boys. But, if someone else shoots that buck I'm after (which I had happen this year) I'm not going to b:tch and moan about it, criticize them for doing so, and then preach that the season they shot that deer during, needs to be done away with.
All I'll say about the season is, down here you can use rifles, and many people get out and hunt. Majority are out having a good time, but there are so many slob hunters around in this area, that it gives them another reason to legally be out in the woods, with a rifle. Their main objective is to kill a trophy buck, WITH horns still on their head. Yes, its horrible down here, and this late season only made it worse.

As far as the shed bucks getting shot, well, it happens, I wish they were killed wearing their head gear during regular season, but it happens.
Nanny knows S ia to the core! Yes, I have also personally met guys who will shoot bucks with horns with late season rifles as well. Interesting groups of hunters in these parts.
180- read a page or 2 back why it matters if u shoot a buck during antlerless season- I think I had 5 or 6 reasons. OOPS- page 3. 5-6 reasons towards bottom of page
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I am full of it - u r correct. I guess a lot of things I thought werw facts are now OPINIONS and I'm full of it.
My OPINION that 61 shed bucks from Clayton co have been entered into the system - I'm full of it
My OPINION that southern ia is full of rifle hunters lobbing 200 yard shots at deer that didn't identify- I'm full of it
My OPINION that 20% of antlerless harvest is comprised of button bucks from harvest report is wrong- I'm full of it.
My OPINION that large groups of guys r seeing far less deer, bucks and mature bucks is not true. My claim that many think it has to do with this season is not true- I'm full of it
OK you're right- u got me.
Let's open deer season year round until our goals r achieved. Ok? I happen to ? Government and its motives in many cases- just like this. Is there something else to it?? $, insurance companies, lobbyists. Sorry for thinking that way. Let's let gov run with things, never ? them or ask for change. Except let's ask for year round rifle hunting- that won't make the sky fall. :)

It is open year round, don't forget about depredation tags. Those make me want to puke more than the rifle season, but the rifle season is a close 2nd.
3) "2 months ago folks would be congratulating hunter that shot the buck, now it's a NO NO". Ok, 2 months ago they would have had to use their only buck tag (normally just one) and that's it for bucks. Keeps a limited harvest on bucks for management/biological reasons. The season was intended for YOU to shoot 1 buck and buy as many DOE tags (antlerless) as needed. It's all about management, biology, keeping ratios in check and limiting buck harvest to a defined managed level.
You said "normally just one". I don't think this is the normal case in many situations. What about all the landowners that owns 200 acres right next to public ground? They have the opportunity to shoot 3 "biologically superior" bucks in one season, correct? How does this benefit the overall health of the heard in that area? I would think this is more detremental than someone shooting a shed buck in January.

4) To piggy-back on #3, if I shot a buck with a 170" rack that was 6.5 - it would be celebrated. If I shot that buck with no horns, I'd have 200 lbs of tough meat and I'd be kicking myself. There's no biological reason for me to shoot that 6.5 and it DAMAGES the herd, ratio, age structure, etc - yes I just said that, it does.
It's a proven fact that just because a genetically superior buck breeds a doe, doesn't mean their offspring is going to be a world class buck as well. Just like in humans, it takes good genes from BOTH parents for that child to be "biologically superior". So couldn't you also argue that shooting a doe could potentially damage the quality of the heard?

5) OPINION here.... Personally it bothers me that a buck eludes youth hunters, then all of bow season, then all of 1st and 2nd shotgun, finally as late muzzleloader season closes- he's been crafty, smart and the wonder of the woods- able to elude all - OR maybe he's a great young buck that was repeatedly passed up- MAYBE he's not old enough to be clever yet BUT was passed repeatedly. Either way- by mid-January to late January, the pressure for him has subsided. He's clever BUT he feels little pressure AND because it's getting later in year, COLDER, less food & no cover- he drops his guard and makes himself more vulnerable
What you just decribed is hunting and part of the sport. Is it not?
1) You said "normally just one". I don't think this is the normal case in many situations. What about all the landowners that owns 200 acres right next to public ground? They have the opportunity to shoot 3 "biologically superior" bucks in one season, correct? How does this benefit the overall health of the heard in that area? I would think this is more detremental than someone shooting a shed buck in January.

2) It's a proven fact that just because a genetically superior buck breeds a doe, doesn't mean their offspring is going to be a world class buck as well. Just like in humans, it takes good genes from BOTH parents for that child to be "biologically superior". So couldn't you also argue that shooting a doe could potentially damage the quality of the heard?

3) What you just decribed is hunting and part of the sport. Is it not?

1) Agree, shooting 3 genetically superior bucks off of 200 acres next to public land would not be good, especially if the bucks are not old. Few folks do that because they know they'd ruin the hunting. Now, if a guy shot 3 bucks each year that were 6.5 years old & shot enough does - not a problem. See what I mean? You shoot 3 bucks that are 3.5 and are 155" average, you're killing your hunting, potential, age structure AND if you didn't have a good ratio & didn't kill does, that's nothing I'd ever consider doing. I think we're in agreement here. Then, you get 2-3 SHED bucks that get shot beyond the amount already killed on that public- that area is gonna suck next year, it just will. Not good.
*Folks, earlier said, the guys with 1,000 acre monster tracts- they won't have as much problems- CORRECT! These shed bucks are getting killed in certain concentrated "average" areas that have good access to spots, lots of 100, 80 and 200 acre tracts. The average guy is the one who gets hurt by this season and his neighborhood gets trashed for potential for the next season- why I THINK many folks are complaining this season is partially why they aren't seeing bucks, mature bucks and deer period like they used to.

2) Genetic pool is a whole different discussion. Killing a "good genetic doe" could hurt genetics, yep. We agree on that. Where we might NOT agree on.... Evidence in Mid-western states shows it's close to impossible to change your gene pool. You could shoot all top end bucks and your genetic make-up of a county really isn't going to change because of what you do on your 200 acre farm. The ONLY reason that is supported by evidence is: you kill a 130" 6.5 year old and it allows another buck to move in, hopefully a 3.5 year old that's already 155". Now, you let that 3.5 155" live and he could be your genetic masterpiece that lives til 5.5 or 6.5 and turns into a 195" slob- THUS, you have created a better genetic deer herd on your farm by killing old bucks - especially some with poor genetics - and letting the young bucks with good genetics live longer. You will not change the genetic make-up of your county or even area BUT your farm will contain better genetic deer. See what I mean????

3) Part of sport? No, the sport is regulated and has defined seasons. We designed this season for DOES to be killed. If it's solely sport and no management/biology, leave the rifle season open year round for everyone- 365 days of "SPORT". Whether someone cares or not, we all have to have management, biological evidence, input from hunters and regulations made by hunters & leaders. I understand the rationale this season is created and I also understand the down-side of this season. When I look at all the evidence of both sides & see the experiences, meat lockers, harvest data, hunter FEEDBACK around the state- I know this is bad news and hurting folks around the state, the average folks on average land. This SPORT is being hurt by this season and folks have expressed this over and over for last couple years.
It is obviously much different in other parts of the state because I know of very few people that hunt the January season. I have also hunted public ground in NE Iowa and only have seen a handfull of lone hunters.

See, I don't see it that way (of course!!!) - this is a "NEW" season that we are just seeing "NEW" results of. You start doing something and often times it takes several years to see what the results are- the RIPPLE EFFECTS. We are seeing the ripple effects and now just realizing and discussing the results. If we have un-intended consequences of bad GOVERNMENT policy, we have a right to speak up and try and change things. Government does a lot with "good intentions" and leads to a lot of bad results or un-intended consequences. It's even worse when sometimes I don't even think they have those "good intentions" and I smell something funny in Government as usual- with Government, you always have to consider motives, all involved, $, favors, special interests, etc. I think at a minimum this season fits into the category of "un-intended consequences" and we need to re-think this one.

*Kind of like Wisconsin's earn-a-buck rule which sounded good until about 5 years into it and poof- NO DEER- folks were flipping out because hunting truly went down the tubes really bad in areas- UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES of ideas that sound good or look good on paper at 1st. They had to quickly get rid of earn a buck because it really did ruin a lot of the average guy's hunting areas. The rich guys with thousands of acres are always insulated from these regulations and "bad" decisions.

CAN ANY OF YOU FOR THIS SEASON see the similarities of Wisconsin several years ago having Earn-a-Buck season? Sounded good, it really did. Then, overwhelmingly, the vast majority of the state said "ENOUGH! You have ruined the hunting and deer #'s!!!!" The Government in WI soon did away with the season after realizing and hearing what happened. Do you not see ANY similarity here???? *Bet you BEFORE they got rid of the season you had a select group saying "the sky is not falling guys, come on, you're over-reacting".
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You are very persistent man.

I am not a shed slayer but hunt the season.
Have a few scores to settle with a few ladies.

If you believe in something don't give in. :way:
:) Yes, I am persistent when I really believe in something. Sure love hearing from others...
I'll let some others run with a few questions and I'll chime out for a while. I am sure not trying to dominate a debate and LOVE opposing views. Few things, love some feedback....
1) This is a NEW season and we're JUST seeing the ripple effects of this in last year or two, do you think this COULD have the potential to turn into something similar to WI's Earn-a-buck situation which caused major problems (and got scrapped) - see my above post. This is a NEW issue we must deal with NOW, not a dead horse, a game changing season we're JUST NOW seeing the results of: deer sightings, mature bucks, buck sightings in general.

Clayton is still in 1st place with 63 shed bucks (vs 51 as of 2 days ago)
Jackson in 2nd with 35
Allamakee in 3rd with 32. You lucky guys in NE with your cold temps, more snow and more stress on deer, NOT FAIR! Come on southern IA- let's load up those banana clips and dial those scopes in at long distances!

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!............
I've been contacted by several large Hunting Companies, they have offered some extra awards for my new and prestigious contest:
LARGEST BODY WEIGHT SHED BUCK AWARD: gets a Push-Button Auto-loader for loading your banana clips.
SHED BUCK THAT HAS LARGEST SET OF SHED ANTLERS FOUND LATER AWARD: gets 1/2 off the price of donating your HUSH deer at a local meat locker. Several meat lockers have contacted me about this donation/prize.

More prizes and more announcements to come. I have a list of celebrities that want to speak at our Shed Buck Banquet, you will be impressed! The contest next year will involve different math BUT I assure you will have better prizes, more prizes, more celebrities and more prestige. I'm also starting a website: www.shedbucksofiowa.com Please join!!!!

Ok, gotta have some fun here folks.... in all seriousness, tell me if you think there's any similarities to Wisconsin and their Earn-a-buck deal of a few years ago (read above post), if you agree we're just seeing the ripple effect of this new season AND if you think this law and many others Government passes have unintended consequences.... Floor is yours for a while, all in good fun and debate.
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Nothing wrong with being the Master Debater Skip :) :) It will be interesting to see how the numbers play out as far as harvest records. There can essentially only be the number of tags left in the county to be filled plus whatever has already been purchased.
:) Yes, I am persistent when I really believe in something. Sure love hearing from others...
I'll let some others run with a few questions and I'll chime out for a while. I am sure not trying to dominate a debate and LOVE opposing views. Few things, love some feedback....
1) This is a NEW season and we're JUST seeing the ripple effects of this in last year or two, do you think this COULD have the potential to turn into something similar to WI's Earn-a-buck situation which caused major problems (and got scrapped) - see my above post. This is a NEW issue we must deal with NOW, not a dead horse, a game changing season we're JUST NOW seeing the results of: deer sightings, mature bucks, buck sightings in general.

Clayton is still in 1st place with 63 shed bucks (vs 51 as of 2 days ago)
Jackson in 2nd with 35
Allamakee in 3rd with 32. You lucky guys in NE with your cold temps, more snow and more stress on deer, NOT FAIR! Come on southern IA- let's load up those banana clips and dial those scopes in at long distances!

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!............
I've been contacted by several large Hunting Companies, they have offered some extra awards for my new and prestigious contest:
LARGEST BODY WEIGHT SHED BUCK AWARD: gets a Push-Button Auto-loader for loading your banana clips.
SHED BUCK THAT HAS LARGEST SET OF SHED ANTLERS FOUND LATER AWARD: gets 1/2 off the price of donating your HUSH deer at a local meat locker. Several meat lockers have contacted me about this donation/prize.
MOST SHED BUCKS KILLED PER GROUP AWARD: Trophy presented to them by BRAD PITT at the Shed Buck Banquet.

More prizes and more announcements to come. I have a list of celebrities that want to speak at our Shed Buck Banquet, you will be impressed! The contest next year will involve different math BUT I assure you will have better prizes, more prizes, more celebrities and more prestige. I'm also starting a website: www.shedbucksofiowa.com Please join!!!!

Ok, gotta have some fun here folks.... in all seriousness, tell me if you think there's any similarities to Wisconsin and their Earn-a-buck deal of a few years ago (read above post), if you agree we're just seeing the ripple effect of this new season AND if you think this law and many others Government passes have unintended consequences.... Floor is yours for a while, all in good fun and debate.

That's fine but who on here will admit to shooting a hoss of a shed buck? :D The prizes aren't worth the flaming... :drink1: Imgaine that trophy photo...
Wow I just read this whole thread. It was exhausting.:D

I'm with you Skip.:way: To me it's really simple. The extra doe seasons did exactly what they were intended to do (reduce the herd). And now it's time for them to go.........

Why risk shooting a shed buck this late in the year?
Why have a season that keeps the bad apples in the woods (poaching, trespassing, etc)?
Wow I just read this whole thread. It was exhausting.:D

I'm with you Skip.:way: To me it's really simple. The extra doe seasons did exactly what they were intended to do (reduce the herd). And now it's time for them to go.........

Why risk shooting a shed buck this late in the year?
Why have a season that keeps the bad apples in the woods (poaching, trespassing, etc)?

I have a question for you.

Do you really think the extra seasons have done their job yet around you or are you just saying that to protect the shed bucks.

Be nice though I know where you live. :grin:
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