Ok for those who think that there are still lots of deer and that we should not stop killing 3 or 4 does just for practice before that big buck steps out and then drop the does off at a HUSH locker, here are the real numbers from the IDNR. The stats for 2011/2012 season are 392,930 deer licenses sold and only 121,407 TOTAL deer harvested of which almost 62% were antlerless. The harvest numbers have fallen so drastically over the last 5 years but the total number of licenses have held pretty steady. I will ask once again what could possibly be the reason that the most knowledgable best equipped hunters, bow or shotgun or ML, with continuous seasons running from Sept 15th to the end of January buying as many licenses but killing 30,000 fewer deer? In 2006 there were 377,525 licenses sold and 150,552 deer killed, but in 2011 there were 392,930 licenses used to kill only 121,407 deer. :thrwrck:
Another interesting fact is that the deer accidents per BILLION MILES driven was lower in 2011 that it has been since 1985. 2011 saw 570 killed per billion miles driven and 1985 was 495 per billion miles driven. The only common thread is our continued over harvesting of does. I know that some will argue about the EHD and some other possible factors, but what ever the cause there are way fewer deer to hunt and the only way to reverse that is to stop killing as many does. I see nothing wrong with killing a doe and I will probably do so this weekend, but I do see something wrong with killing 5 or 6 does and then donating them to HUSH in the mistaken belief that some how that will lead to more and bigger bucks.

For the last few years I have made it a practice, if given the choice between a small or spike buck or a mature doe, of shooting the small buck. Like someone already said if I shoot a small buck before he reaches his prime, then 3 years from now the populations will be less one deer. If I shoot a mature doe then 3 years from now the populations is down by as many as 15 deer. Which is the right thing to do if you want your Grandchildren to be able to hunt deer here in Iowa with even a small chance of success?