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Sled vs cart

Doubleaarc hery

New Member
Is anyone using one of these?

I am looking for the easiest way to get a deer out of the timber to a field edge to load onto a 4 wheeler. I DO NOT like gutting deer in the timber, but also do not like dragging the big heavythings around either(no comments on my Kentucky deer's size)

So I am wondering what all of you use to get deer out. With new land, and MUCH different terrain, I am nervous about getting a decent deer up some of the hills!

Thanks in advance for your input!
We bought a cart a couple of years ago but haven't used it yet. Most of the time whoever I am hunting with will grab an antler and start pulling until we get it to the ATV
go with big wheels, its easier to pull over things
and the wheels make it easier pull....
rolling vs. dragging......
id go rolling.....
I've used a cart with big bicycle size tires...wider though. Works good.

Most of the time I don't have the cart though and either drag or de-bone it on site and pack it out...depending on the state requirements for tagging and registering.
I need a scanner. I've got hard copy pics of our homeade one with a 9pt and a 10pt stacked on it along with 2 guns and 2 packs. Now that was a load! We were just over a mile back in. Luckily my dad and I tagged out within an hour of each other on opening morning so we only had one trip to make.
I built a cart out of 3/4 rigid aluminum conduit.I put wheels from a mountain bike on it and it worked great for a while.Logs and sticks eventually broke out the spokes.I replaced them with mag wheels from a wheel chair and it works awesome.I've pulled out multiple deer by myself with little effort.
Nick, That is the one I have and it has worked out great. If you can swing it the hub caps are worth the money to keep the sticks out of the spokes.
Anyone have a picture of these things work? I have heard they are a pain to roll over any sticks! How about pulling them up hills?

So sleds suck?
Yes, Andy,
it will require a little Physical Labor.....
somthing i know you are completly unfamiliar with....

go buy a four-wheeler....
it will make life cake!!
Anyone have a picture of these things work? I have heard they are a pain to roll over any sticks! How about pulling them up hills?

So sleds suck?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not with the right conditions. Carts in dry weahter, sleds in wet. I think tough if a guy took the time to put a good coat of wax on the bottm of the sled it would work good in all conditions.

The 'Bonker

Bought this for my dad for fathers day a few years back. the extra for the covers wasnt available
Actually I think it was more of a gift for me.

Sorry Dad, wasn't gunna drag another buck on a sled from the "bowl"
Last year I shot a doe that wasn't ready to die after being smoked through both lungs and decided to roll down a nasty ridge. Weasel and I went back and got the cart and I can tell you this I would have paid a thousand damn dollars for that thing if we wouldn't have had it. We were close to a mile back and decided to try to drag her first... uh ah... Just my experience with the cart.

I would recommend some bungees to get the animal secure before trying to move it. Getting legs, heads, ect tucked in nicely makes for an easier pull. Between Weasel, myself and several other people that know I have it. It hauled out close to 15 deer last year.

Yes Dewy if you ever shoot a deer you can borrow it too...
I bought a 4 wheeler last year with a winch on the front of it.

Best damn investment I ever aqcuired.

Makes nice for hauling deer out and hauling in deer stands.
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