Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Smoked a couple

Congrats Shredder, looks like fun. Are you guys that are whacking the yotes doing any selling of fur and if so what's a yote worth down there?
22-250...stopped them in thier tracks. Almost too much at under 30 yards...both of them

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Dang that's shotgun range!

If you get em all cleaned out over there...c-mon over

If you get em all cleaned out over there...c-mon over

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Ditto on that. My calling must be sub par because I've had coyotes in my yard the last two nights but every time I go out to call them in they are nowhere to be found.
I've called in yotes before but these dogs are giving me fits!
nice shooting as well...seems like they are absolutely thick this year. My dad and his friends shot 9 this past Saturday!! With 5 being in one section!!


He lives for fox/coyote hunting
Coyotes aren't bringing much unless they are XL pales, and those will only bring you around ten to fifteen bucks. The group I hunt with killed 17 yotes 2 weekends ago and the fur buyer only bought ten of them.
Ill tell you what if there is anyone around Clayton county that wants some land to go doggin let me know. Our farm has a bunch of them dirty suckers and no one hunts them near us. I would but i dont have the slitest clue what to do. got a couple hundred acres and could prolly get you on the most of the neibhors land as well. send my a pm if anyone is interested.
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