He honestly didn't think that he broke a law. He owns a large piece of ground here in KS, the buck the he killed he had been hunting but he kept seeing it on the neighbors property 100 yards away. He approached the land owner and paid him to hunt the land for Bow season. I guess that he didn't realize that the "Lease" did not have a set amount of land, you must own 80 acres to be considered a "Land owner." He owns more than this but the lease did not declare an amount of land. He came back to KS after being questioned because of jealous neighbors. He plead guilty and accepted punishment. But once you plead guilty to that charge the went after him for the "Lacy Act." Which is a federal law that enforces illegally harvest game from being taken across state lines. That is where the 10,000 dollar fine came in. Honestly it is all a bunch of crap, Ted Nugent is in the same type of deal right now with California. It sucks that people look down on him because of it now! Most people have no idea what really happened....