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Stolen Trail Cams


New Member
If anyone in the Lovilia/Albia area comes across someone selling or talking about taking a Bushnell HD & Moultree Trail cams please PM me, had these stolen within the last three weeks. I will keep your info confidential.

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you
Hmm, that sucks! Hope mine are still out.....North of Albia, closer to Lovilia can be a black hole for trail cams, tree stands, and generally any property that is left unattended...I hunt all over Monroe as I am a resident but I try not to leave much on the farms that I hunt out in the Lovilia area unless I have surrounding farms that I know hunters on
I'm from lovilia myself and had a wildgame innovation camera stolen last year. Looks like its happening to others and not just me in this area.
Sounds like a few guys going in together to set up a camera with another camera hidden to catch the perp would help out many in that area.
Losers!!! Why people gotta do crap like that?!! u know how many tree stands and cameras I could steal while out shed hunting but don't!! Every hunter out there should respect each other out in the woods.
I had my trail cams and ground blinds stolen two years ago on private property that no one else had permission to hunt. I know how it feels.
Im gone to post a warning in english and spanish abpve each trail cam.
FRONT TOWARD ENEMY...touch at your own risk. Claymore inc.
I live in this area as well and it is DB central. I stood on my own property last year and watched 6 bow hunters hunting a square mile area one evening. The game is very well educated...
We have never had a camera stolen or messed with. Its very well known that we have cameras up on gates and cameras hidden over other cameras.
We have had to track down a few people that we have pics of but never anyone truly tresspassing to hunt. Usually ends up that a cow got out or they were using the farm lane to turn around. More problems with people mushroom hunting than anything
A buddy of mine had a camera and stand stolen last year. He was in the Pella/New Sharon area. Very frustrating. Luckily I have not had that issue yet (knock on wood). One more reason I use cheaper cameras/stands I guess.
I had climbed to my stand last year and just happen to look at my ratchet strap. Someone had tried to take off the straps but bent the ratchet handle back and broke it. It could have ended up me falling on my head if I hadn't noticed. Something to think about.
I had climbed to my stand last year and just happen to look at my ratchet strap. Someone had tried to take off the straps but bent the ratchet handle back and broke it. It could have ended up me falling on my head if I hadn't noticed. Something to think about.

Good reminder to always check your stand before getting on! I like to check the straps each time and tighten up if needed, even if just one click.
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