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Stringleach Iowa Buck Down!!!


New Member
My buddy Gregg (Stringleach) on IW asked me to post this for him.

Gregg was lucky enough to draw an Iowa Tag again this year in our area. He has hunted here 4 different years and has filled his tag each year, 3 of which are in the same area, and this buck was shot out of the same tree he shot his buck out of last year!! Quite a feat if you ask me!! Especially for being from out of state. Gregg texted me this morning to let me know he shot one and was watching him expire from his treestand.

I was happy to get out of my stand this morning to help him cause he is a great friend that I have met through IW and also because I underdressed this morning for my hunt.....I was freezing my toes off!!!

Anyway here is the result of his 2011 Iowa Bowhunt!

Congratulations buddy!!! You earned this buck with all the ups and downs of the hunt this year!!
very nice buck! glad to see you have a cart in the background. dragging a buck by yourself in the woods can be a back breaker
Great looking buck!!! Congrats :way:

So is Greg an out of state hunter that has drawn back to back archery buck tags in Iowa, and four tags in the past how many years? What part of the state is this possible in?

I have out of state friends that put in for tags yearly....maybe they are trying for the wrong part of the state??
Thanks again Jeremy for the post...Again God was great to me in Iowa. This was truly a trying season for me. My first morning there to hunt 11/1 I awoke to find a tick burrowed into my back between my shoulder blades which caused me to make a trip to the ER to get it removed as it was buried to the hilt....Than i had my own issues with two different groups of non residents who had inflicted major carnage on the area that I like to hunt there...I mean to the tone of 1 dead buck fawn, and three wounded deer including two small bucks. I guess i understand some frustration with the NR's. but anyway I hiked my miles into the stand to get away from everyone and did see bucks everyday including one giant, bigger than this guy that I got..I actually did have the pin on this guy the second morning in the stand but wanted to wait a few more days...Im glad he came back..I actually was going to end the season in Iowa on the 7th with the crappy weather coming and my having to be home on the 10th so it was with a little disillusionment that I took to the stand on the morning of 11/7 thinking it was going to be my last day and I was going home empty handed. I got into the stand at 0630 and had just settled in for the sit when I heard him coming from the north in the crunchy leaves. when I saw him it I recognized him as the one I let down on the first day but immediately I said I was going to take him if the opp arose.. when he got to about 40 yards from me I drew on him and when I drew he did what I always hate and turned and came right to my tree. Now I want to say that i am not an opponent of the front shot on a buck, but I had thought about this situation before and being confident in my z7 and what I can do with it and with the fact that im a rage 2 blade user I decided to try it..after about a 2 minute stare down at full draw with him looking up at me with that "oh crap look in his eyes, I put the pin about 8 inches below the throat patch to try and punch it in there and let the rage work...he took off and was down within 75 yards. I actually saw him lie down but thought that I had 1 lunged him so I was intent to sit until noon and sneak out and give him tell 3. That was until around 9 am when I looked at where he was standing and saw three puddles of blood there and than i actually saw when the frost was clearing from the leaves a trail of blood for about 60 yards that I could see from the stand.. at that point I got down and went to where he was lying dead..Again this is a shot I don't endorse but having confidence in my equipment and the fact that I shoot almost daily I thought I would try and im glad I did...I want to thank IW for the site cuz through the site I have made some awesome friends, BJohnson, Bukslayer, and Gundog870 who kept in touch with me daily while I was there and who I know that if I would have asked for there help they would have been there to help me...Nick we will meet some day,,, I hope. Again thanks Jeremy for the post and good luck to everyone else in here this year and stay safe.
That cart looks familiar i think i saw it so does the hills. Was you in the n e part of the state? pm me if you want. Nice deer by the way.
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