I know what you mean, the last 2 days, as soon as I pulled into the parking lot I got a huge headache. I think its my body telling me to get my butt into the timber.
I saw 2 small bucks out cruising for does on my way in this morning. They were walking right along the interstate. I'm making today a short one, and I feel sick already for Friday. I'll be in my stand by 2:30 today.
Working just sucks doesn't it? Especially this time of year. I got counseled last week at work on my "committment" to the company with all the time off I've requested since hunting season started.
I got counseled last week at work on my "committment" to the company with all the time off I've requested since hunting season started.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was waiting for this little chat myself. I think I might have delayed it by dropping off a cooler of boned venison to my boss's house during early muzzleloader.
I'm going crazy here at work myself. People here are wise to my ways. They would have their suspicions if I didn't show up to work or left sick. Plus, they know I have vacation just to hunt next week.
Someone please tell me that the best hunting is yet to come next week!
Since 9:am I saw 4 bucks chasing does. One 140ish 10pt no more than 100yards off the road. Every buck I saw had a big neck, and now I think mine is starting to swell with the thought of not being able to get out again till rifle season starts this weekend.
I had to do it. Checked the forecast and tomorrow is going to be the perfect conditions. So, I took a half day. Since my vacation starts Friday... Looks like I'll start my vacation a day early!
p.s. - I see we are supposed to have a southeast wind friday. I don't think I have one single set to hunt with that type of wind. with the rut hitting, will it really matter as long as I stay scent cautious?
If you look at the 10 day forecast, it is forcasted to come out of the South many days next week. If I were you I would buy a Lonewolf and hunt the wind everyday I was out. Rut or not, playing the wind is your best bet. I fought this dilemma for years. I would set up several stands only to have winds that didn't work for those setups during the rut. I bought a lonewolf this year and now I don't have to worry. Hunt like a wolf. It will be some of the best $ you have ever spent. Good Luck!
From here on out I'll be able to hunt every evening now that the time has changed and I'm back on late nights - I can hardly wait!!! As for the mornings, I should be able to get out six of every nine days with my schedule!
I find that I can hardly focus at work thinking about my next week off. I'm supposed to be selling computers when I would be much more successful selling treestands, bows, broadheads, etc around this time of year.
I know what you mean Ghost.
I read your post the other day about kids and activities.
I was going to take all next week off.
I have a Whitetail banquet Sat. night.I am going to with my two boys.
My oldest boy plays in the quarterfinals on Monday night and I have 3 parent teacher conferences to go to on Tuesday.
Cabin is two hours away so I will just have to wait. Family is always first.
Hopefully a few of the bruisers will just wait until I get there.
Unfortunately I am out of Vac. They are closing down the fraud center here (Verizon) and I had to use it to find other work. On the good side though I am done on Dec. 18th and dont start my new job till after the new year. So I am good to go for late muzzy!! So I can only hunt evenings and weekends
Hope it all works out for you.
No matter what anyone says keeping an income coming in is the number one priority for the family.
The deer minus a few will always be there. When I told a buddy about my plans (He has all Nov. off) and how bummed I was (but excited for my kids) he told me not to worry. There will be a special one out there for me. Hopefully he will be there for you also.
Good luck to you.
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