New Member
Thanks for Posting this dbltree; this will be a first for me planting non round up ready sugar beets. But if they perform half as good as mine did last year I will still be happy
Well the deer only hit my rr sugarbeets a little bit, so I'm thinking since they are a biennial I may just let them go another year? Anyone see a problem with that?
I think they will rot this spring so you'll need to re-plant with something else...![]()
Do you guys think they would grow fast enough??? Any chance this would work?
If you really want some small beets then I reckon your plan will probably work...![]()
Dbltree, could you keep an eye on them and maybe keep a small log of how big they get how fast. Then a person might have an idea that it takes X weeks to get Y size?
Bought sugarbeets from fridgid forage this year.Germination was ok..however not what i expected.Planted almost one whole bag in .36 of an beets averaging 1 ft apart.expected a little thicker than that.Oh well its time for weed killing.I understand stinger can be used on beets?Also i have a nutsedge problem any solutions?I miss my roundup ready beets!
I want to ask you a question:
What is the value of RR sugar beet seeds?
And how you sow them?
The idea is to buy RR seeds, for example 36711RR and trying to sow them in Ukraine.
Because the climate and soil here is almost identical.
So think how much money we have to, where these seeds to take, and how to deliver to Ukraine?