Here's my 2 cents. I would get the motion sensitivity lower. Go lower until you get less false pics. I don't know how the X work as I have the originals but I noticed I would get way more pictures if I had them set up on pics coming every 12 or 24 hours. While the first pic was sending it wouldn't be taking other pics. But if it would wait to send id get way more picsI'm bought my 1st cellular (Tactacam XB) but don't know what the best settings should be. I've been getting over a hundred false pics every day and night. Looking for advice on settings to minimize false pics, what settings work the best for those who run Tactacams?
View attachment 122982
There is definitely something about new dirt that draws the deer AND on cam at least, it looks like they are feeding.New plot. Funny how they go to the new dirt !View attachment 122904
Just curious, what is the sensitivity level you're using? I bought a XB this year, currently I suspended it, too many false pics. I'm using level 5.Hardly any false triggers