I think landowners would also be fine with 2 buck tags, I dont think we need a third if they are going to let them carry over into different seasons.
I'd like to see at least a 24 hour delay on cell phone cameras as well. I understand they are a useful tool especially if you live quite a ways from the property. However, I dont't think we need to have access to immediate location of what we are trying to hunt...I believe that is taking away the meaning of fair chase for the sport.
Just a couple of my thoughts on your comments above...
As a landowner myself, I would be fine with just 2, or even just 1, buck tag per year. Although I didn't hunt it that way this year, I thought the additional freedom to use my LO tag in any season was good though. We are still in EHD recovery mode, so once my son shot a buck this year, I really didn't want to shoot any others. In another year, I may very well use that tag more liberally.
Cell cams...my thoughts on these continue to shift towards more restrictions...and I consider myself a small government guy.

Confession...I employ two of them now, one is purely security around remote buildings, although we do get the occasional deer walking across the yard. But in no way is it helping us from a hunting standpoint. The other is on a separate piece of property that I own, where we are building a house, etc. I do have it set to capture game, but similar to the other one, it does not aid any hunting since I don't hunt there at all.
So...I would hate to see them go way entirely because they are a very useful tool to monitor properties/security, but I just don't like them to get "live" updates on "wild" game. Yes, I know that they are the rage, bad pun

, but come on people...give the deer a chance, I say. I think a 24 delay could be something, in "game" mode. I would hate to see that in "security" mode though.
There is such a thing as too much info/surveillance I think. I believe there are rules in Alaska that if you fly in, and can therefore see big game from the air, you have to wait a day before hunting, or something like that. This is give the animals a chance...I think the cell cam situation is very, very comparable to this...IMO.