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The Franz buck

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Did I ever say he was guilty? Did I ever say he was innocent? Did I ever give any information that wasn't available to the public? All I have ever said is this case will have far reaching implications no matter the out come. I guess one guys pot stirring is another guys effort to provide information. Even if the people reading it don't like the information being provided. Do I think justice was served? In my opinion, only Mr. Franz knows.

That last statement couldn't be more true!
Innocent until proven guilty, so why'd he have to turn over the deer? Courts do not care about deer hunting in Iowa, sad but true. Many poachers have been caught and 9 out of 10 get a slap on the wrist. That's why we have so many life long poachers living here. I think he will over come these charges, plain and simple he has video of the hunt, he had proper tags etc, so the soil samples prove what? All dirt in Iowa contains some form of minerals, so I really think it will be easy to convince a jury, or Judge that a jar of dirt is circumstantial, so unless he had no tag or used a spot light this is going to be a big waste of tax payers money.
Like I said Big waste of money
The DNR picked the wrong buck and the wrong hunter to enforce a flawed mineral law...it's really going to tarnish their image going forward. I wonder if this decision will have any impact on the outcome of the new mineral (baiting) bill.
Glad justice was served in this case. I don't know Joe, but the TP guys involved are men of character so I believe Franz was truly innocent and the account he gave was correct. Franz had his ducks in a row and the IDNR officer overstepped his bounds and didn't follow protocol. Shouldn't have even made it as far as it did! It sucks that Franz had his name dragged in the mud and that he had to go to the lengths he did with this suit.

Like others said it's a shame the IDNR had to waste so much time and resources, when much better things could have been done.
Unfortunately there is a lot of jealousy in the hunting world. Wish people would just congratulate one another as fellow sportsman. If that were the case, I believe there would be a lot more harvest photos being viewed. A few bad apples ruin it for most everyone.
What a waste of money by the dnr
Laws are definately not indicative of right or wrong all of the time.
I hope for everyone that would lijke this law scrapped, that it one day is, its dumb.
As far as I am concerned if the court says not guilty I am done hearing about it. Mineral is the least important part of this whole hunt. I will say I still don't care for this guy and I have never met him. Franz buck .com is the reason. What a bunch of garbage. This is what gives us all a bad name. To me this is THE example of how not to act as a hunter. Pretty lame.
I may be the minority- who
Knows. But as far as sharing your buck of a lifetime- that's one of the reasons I joined this site. I have ZERO interest in shooting a monster- alone- and keeping it hidden in my basement for no one to enjoy. If everyone did that we wouldn't have a harvest forum- or the big buck classic I enjoy every year. I'm a social guy- I share my trail camera pictures and harvests. Have nothing to hide and if someone ends up finding out where I hunt so be it. Not saying my thoughts are right but to each their own. I enjoy the outdoors with others- I absolutely enjoy sitting alone in a stand and witnessing the woods come alive- but I also enjoy taking others and having them enjoy the same thing. If I killed a buck of the franz buck caliber you can bet your you know what it will be shared. Not saying I will create a website- but it will Absolutely be shared - Haters welcome
The case is over and he was found innocent in the charges. Emotions have been pinned up for many since this story and charges started. So today would be good therapy for many on here so air it out and let's move on.

This doesn't change the fact that there are many bills going on that can change OUR hunting so get involved. I have said it before the days of keeping our heads in the sand are over its all political these days which is very sad. So start sending them emails and lets try to fix this mess.
I may be the minority- who
Knows. But as far as sharing your buck of a lifetime- that's one of the reasons I joined this site. I have ZERO interest in shooting a monster- alone- and keeping it hidden in my basement for no one to enjoy. If everyone did that we wouldn't have a harvest forum- or the big buck classic I enjoy every year. I'm a social guy- I share my trail camera pictures and harvests. Have nothing to hide and if someone ends up finding out where I hunt so be it. Not saying my thoughts are right but to each their own. I enjoy the outdoors with others- I absolutely enjoy sitting alone in a stand and witnessing the woods come alive- but I also enjoy taking others and having them enjoy the same thing. If I killed a buck of the franz buck caliber you can bet your you know what it will be shared. Not saying I will create a website- but it will Absolutely be shared - Haters welcome

Good post, agreed
I may be the minority- who Knows. But as far as sharing your buck of a lifetime- that's one of the reasons I joined this site. I have ZERO interest in shooting a monster- alone- and keeping it hidden in my basement for no one to enjoy. If everyone did that we wouldn't have a harvest forum- or the big buck classic I enjoy every year. I'm a social guy- I share my trail camera pictures and harvests. Have nothing to hide and if someone ends up finding out where I hunt so be it. Not saying my thoughts are right but to each their own. I enjoy the outdoors with others- I absolutely enjoy sitting alone in a stand and witnessing the woods come alive- but I also enjoy taking others and having them enjoy the same thing. If I killed a buck of the franz buck caliber you can bet your you know what it will be shared. Not saying I will create a website- but it will Absolutely be shared - Haters welcome

Totally agree with this. You he to enjoy the sport, for the sport, not to necessarily drop. Large caliber buck every season. If you can do that, props to you. However, this season I was able to get out and shoot a doe late season muzzy with my brother and shoot a doe. A measly doe, but I had a blast taking my older either and introducing him to the sport. If we are all jealous, we will never share. BDAHMS is correct, that's what these sights are for. I would love to put a deer of that size in the ground. However some people see that deer and see dollar signs to sell such a mount to an outfitter. That's not the sport. The guy was found innocent, believe it or not, it's done and over with. So let's quit getting after one another's throats because of their beliefs. And for goodness sakes, leave the Bonker alone. He provided information with his $.02 behind it, and that's that. We are all entitled to our opinion. On a lighter note, turkey seasons coming... I plan on baiting them ???
Nobody seems to realize that the officer is not the one who took this to court. All he did was conduct an investigation and present what he found to the county attorney. That is who filed charges. The CA should be getting the backlash from this.

Facts: Mr Franz did what he was told he could do by the officer.
Someone one else called in a complaint/report that something was illegal
The officer was obligated to investigate and did.
On the outside, things seemed a little off. IE: the plywood was purchased after the harvest date, when the officer investigated the sites, they weren't covered, etc etc

A lot of people are blaming the officer but he was just doing his job. Things were questionable and in the end, justice prevailed. Questionable cases are presented to the court every day and people aren't this outraged. Hell, my coffee was hot and burnt me today. Maybe I should sue.
This sentence sums up why Internet forums have gotten so ridiculous.

The DNR has a policy after 30 days of confiscation any items confiscated can remain in possession of the State even if the victim is found innocent. From what I was told. Hence why the buck still isn't back.

Bonkers just posted a bill that dealt with this subject.
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