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The Franz buck

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Judge stated he would have a decision within 15 days but that timeframe passed last week. Just waiting on judge....

Another rumor for the current case was that the judge dismissed some motions by the defense a few days after the trial. That may have reset the 15 day clock. Definitely no "rush to judgment" going on here.
I get a blank page when I follow the link on my phone. the link was good last night on my computer. I'll see if I can fix it.
Don't know if it is work computers that won't allow me to follow the link or if the link is bad.

Case# 05201STNR414088

Citation# NR414088

Issued to a Franz, he was fined for attempting to take over bait. A fine of $115.00 was paid. Charged on 11/4/07 paid on 11/15/07.

The link is to an open records section of Iowa Courts.

All the usual admonishments about innocent until proven guilty in the current case still apply.
A seasoned investigator once told me if you want the truth follow the coincidences because there are none.
Another rumor for the current case was that the judge dismissed some motions by the defense a few days after the trial. That may have reset the 15 day clock. Definitely no "rush to judgment" going on here.
what I'm telling you isn't rumor, straight from judges mouth
Don't know if it is work computers that won't allow me to follow the link or if the link is bad. Case# 05201STNR414088 Citation# NR414088 Issued to a Franz, he was fined for attempting to take over bait. A fine of $115.00 was paid. Charged on 11/4/07 paid on 11/15/07. The link is to an open records section of Iowa Courts. All the usual admonishments about innocent until proven guilty in the current case still apply.
why did he pay said fine if he wasn't guilty?
I realize it's the off-season but do we really need 15 pages of opinions on this topic.??? Here's a thought. Why not just let the legal system work this out.

BTW, I got no horse in this race.
I realize it's the off-season but do we really need 15 pages of opinions on this topic.??? Here's a thought. Why not just let the legal system work this out.

BTW, I got no horse in this race.

You do have a horse in this race, we all do. There are so many pieces of legislation and proposed rule changes from this one case that it is what I would call a "Landmark" case. We all need to be aware of why the changes have been proposed.

The mere fact that there has been so may hits on and replies to this thread denotes its importance.
You do have a horse in this race, we all do. There are so many pieces of legislation and proposed rule changes from this one case that it is what I would call a "Landmark" case. We all need to be aware of why the changes have been proposed. The mere fact that there has been so may hits on and replies to this thread denotes its importance.

Agreed. A lot of guys on here use mineral so it hits home. Even if you don't it's a reminder to stay far away from the line rather than walking it when it comes to regulations.
We all need to be aware of why the changes have been proposed.

Do you know Bonker? Fact of the matter is, if people knew the truth and facts about this case and how poorly the officers handled it, many on here and everywhere would not only agree with some of the proposals but would also call for that particular officer to be removed from his duties. You are correct that this may be a landmark case, but what people are failing to see is that a lot of these proposals are being made so the DNR doesn't fall on their face and make assumptions or act on opinions, like were done in this case.

I will leave my opinions on minerals used for "baiting" out of this, but the way this was handled and the way that Joe's name was smeared in the register and on other media outlets is a shame (and I don't even know the man). I just hope that all of those idiots that were so quick to write articles trying to make Joe and other hunters in Iowa and all across the country look like law breaking, poaching, unethical people, will post the truth and the final outcome when the ruling comes out. Sadly we all know that will not be the case.

In all reality, the man killed a world class whitetail over a food source on his own farm with a legal tag and a legal weapon in season. There happened to be a mineral site nearby that was covered up (per officers directions earlier in the year).... So I guess if he's found guilty and the head is not given back, than we should all be pushing for minerals to be 1. legalized and not considered bait or 2. banned for good and in all phases of whitetail hunting, cattle nutrition, etc.

what is truly sad in this situation is this all stemmed from jealousy and envy over a deer :confused:

Carry on
Also a good idea,,if you shoot a nice buck. Keep it to yourself. Coarse $$ drives everything. The amount of money surrounding bones that grow outta an animal's head is crazy. IMO.
Don't know if it is work computers that won't allow me to follow the link or if the link is bad.

Case# 05201STNR414088

Citation# NR414088

Issued to a Franz, he was fined for attempting to take over bait. A fine of $115.00 was paid. Charged on 11/4/07 paid on 11/15/07.

Yesterday I was able to open the links but today no.
Well said! Horn porn! Bragging gets a person nowhere!

I wouldn't call it bragging. If the people on this site wouldn't post pictures of the deer they shoot and harvest stories this site would be a ghost town. It's not necessarily bragging but I consider it showing off the deer. He grew the antlers and you put in the hard work and dedication to wrap a tag around them.
I wouldn't call it bragging. If the people on this site wouldn't post pictures of the deer they shoot and harvest stories this site would be a ghost town. It's not necessarily bragging but I consider it showing off the deer. He grew the antlers and you put in the hard work and dedication to wrap a tag around them.

Not to quibble...but if someone wants to call me a braggart after I post a picture of a deer that I shot, etc...my feelings are that they are the ones with a problem, not me. We congregate here on IW to do just that, share our stories, both successes and failures, and all of the things we learned along the way.

I really like to see the successes that other hunters have and I know there are plenty of people that enjoy seeing some nice pictures when we have success too. I appreciate Bonker keeping us informed about this story and others like it. I agree with him, this whole episode, no matter what happened, is going to have an impact, actually many impacts, on all of us.
Really, dedgeez? I'm sure the officer handled the case poorly in 2007 as well!? There' a pattern here and if the case was handled poorly the legal system will disgard it, but chose not to do so. Our system has checks and balances built within. The charging mechanism is checked by the prosecutor, defense attorney, and ultimately a judge. The case was not dismissed and a decision is pending. Maybe we as a society should stop blaming the system for our misdeeds and take responsibility.
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