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The Franz buck

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Fact is laws are often written vague so there is some discretion left up to the LEO or district attorney. While some laws may have to be this is one that is not. Simple resolution would be put an exact distance you need to be away. Another would be separating minerals from food. There is an obvious change in their effectiveness come hunting season.
The Facts are, Trophy Bucks don't care about mineral licks during the hunting months. Unless you own large parcels, hundreds or thousands of acres there is no way to have a mineral site for gathering herd data during the summer months on a small parcel without maybe being in violation of the "baiting" law as interpreted by a DNR Officer. This vague law needs to be changed. I will get 3,000 pictures a week during the summer on a mineral lick and then maybe a dozen a week starting in September at the same site.
The Facts are, Trophy Bucks don't care about mineral licks during the hunting months. Unless you own large parcels, hundreds or thousands of acres there is no way to have a mineral site for gathering herd data during the summer months on a small parcel without maybe being in violation of the "baiting" law as interpreted by a DNR Officer. This vague law needs to be changed. I will get 3,000 pictures a week during the summer on a mineral lick and then maybe a dozen a week starting in September at the same site.

Totally FWIW...I too have observed over many years now that the mineral sites have little to no draw after about mid September each year. We don't hunt them and I think the nearest stand we have to a mineral site is probably about 100 yards away and there the deer are not coming from, or going to, the minerals. The next closest would probably be over 200+ yards.

I don't even think about them during the hunting season and we don't add minerals after Labor Day. They are chock full of leaves throughout the fall too. Late March to mid August is the time I see them used.
I might be an outlier here but why does everyone always go right to mature or trophy type deer when this topic comes up? I have seen deer go to mineral sites in the fall, very often...lick/sniff/whatever the site. Would it be any different if a guy shot a doe over a lick (not meaning this Franz fella, just in general)? I guess the law is there to take that advantage towards all deer away; that's just what it is. There's a point I'm trying to say...not sure it I accomplished it. Ha
I might be an outlier here but why does everyone always go right to mature or trophy type deer when this topic comes up? I have seen deer go to mineral sites in the fall, very often...lick/sniff/whatever the site. Would it be any different if a guy shot a doe over a lick (not meaning this Franz fella, just in general)? I guess the law is there to take that advantage towards all deer away; that's just what it is. There's a point I'm trying to say...not sure it I accomplished it. Ha

Makes sense to me. Although not real often deer do stop by and check them. I have seen a company advertising the use of mineral similar to a scrape in Minnesota for an attractant during the rut.
I might be an outlier here but why does everyone always go right to mature or trophy type deer when this topic comes up? I have seen deer go to mineral sites in the fall, very often...lick/sniff/whatever the site. Would it be any different if a guy shot a doe over a lick (not meaning this Franz fella, just in general)? I guess the law is there to take that advantage towards all deer away; that's just what it is.

You are spot on. The facts are they are deer hunting laws, not trophy deer hunting laws.
I might be an outlier here but why does everyone always go right to mature or trophy type deer when this topic comes up? I have seen deer go to mineral sites in the fall, very often...lick/sniff/whatever the site. Would it be any different if a guy shot a doe over a lick (not meaning this Franz fella, just in general)? I guess the law is there to take that advantage towards all deer away; that's just what it is. There's a point I'm trying to say...not sure it I accomplished it. Ha

Valid point!! I can't remember the last time someone shot a button buck and subsequently the rumor mill started working, the DNR got called in, etc.
Makes sense to me. Although not real often deer do stop by and check them.

I think that during the summer, bucks learn does can be found around mineral licks. Then, come the rut, they cruise by hoping to encounter a doe. Kind of the deer version of the local college pick-up bar. :D
In my experience mature bucks pretty much vanish from mineral sites once they shed velvet. Maybe it's just the Bucks I hunt, but once their hormones hit I think they are more interested in fighting and breeding. If mineral sites were such a big draw then guys wouldn't move their cams to trails or scrapes once fall hit. Just my 2 cents. Not saying that it can't happen and it can't be used as bait but I think the dnr is exploiting Joe Franz's situation. I hope that right prevails!
Exploiting it to what end? Bringing negative attention to Iowa hunting is the goal? Maybe the DNR is right here.
I mean exploiting a grey area that the DNR refuses to put into black and white terms. I think too much is left up to the individual CO's who are already overworked and stretched thin.
I mean exploiting a grey area that the DNR refuses to put into black and white terms.

The DNR tried to take out any grey area in regards to baiting a few years ago. The "baiters" won, the DNR lost. I can dig up the bill number if you'd like.
Oh. I hear ya. The baiting grey area is claimed by those who use bait for whatever reason. I don't use it at all for this very reason. Had a friend in pike co Ill have several cos come on the property in November because someone saw bait sites before season and called. What I would ask in this situation is how long did he own the farm and did he consistently use bait, or only when he discovered this buck living there. And for those who use bait it's not hard to make sure stands are out of eye shot, shooting range, of bait sites. Takes the "grey" out of it.
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Other than trying to draw particular deer to your own hunting land; I see no reason for using any kind of bait any time of year. It certainly takes the hunt out of hunting!
Other than trying to draw particular deer to your own hunting land; I see no reason for using any kind of bait any time of year. It certainly takes the hunt out of hunting!

Really is this all new to you ? For getting trail cam pics and inventory of what's on your farm.
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